A list of .new
domain to perform online actions in one quick step.
- Doc.new : New Google Doc.
- Sheet.new : New Google sheet.
- Slide.new : New Google Slide.
- Form.new : New Google form.
- Meet.new : New video call with Google Meet.
- Meeting.new : New Google Calendar event.
- Cal.new : New Google Calendar event.
- Keep.new : New Google note.
- React.new : New React project using codeSandbox.
- Ts.new : New Typescript project using codeSandbox.
- Js.new : New Javascript project using codeSandbox.
- Vue.new : New Vue project using codeSandbox.
- Ng.new : New Angular project using codeSandbox.
- Csb.new : New codeSandbox project.
- Pen.new : New codePen project.
- Repo.new : New Github repo.
- Gist.new : New Github gist.
- Story.new : New Medium story.
- Design.new : New Canva design.
- Link.new : New link using bitly.
- Api.new : New Node.js API endpoint using RunKit.
- Webex.new : New meeting room with Cisco Webex.
- Music.new : New song artwork for OVO Sound
- Playlist.new : New Spotify playlist.
- Invoice.new : New Stripe invoice
- Reservation.new : New openTable reservation.
- Flutter.new : New Flutter project using DartPad.
- Podcast.new : New podcast episode using Anchor.
- Ionic.new : New Ionic project using Ionic Framework.
- Diagram.new : New diagram using Diagrams.
- Pdf.new : New Acrobat PDF from any Microsoft Office or image file.
- Sign.new : New PDF form that you can fill, sign, save and send.
- Jpgtopdf.new : New PDF file from JPG.
- Compresspdf.new : New PDF compression.
- Create.new : New Spark design.
- Linear.new : New Linear issue.
- Whats.new : Registry for .new shortcuts.
- Tw.new : New Google Sites.
- Sql.new : Write SQL queries for your data in other applications.
- Vso.new : Create a new Visual Studio codespace for your project.
- Zeit.new : Import your frontend projects to Vercel for preview and deployment.
- Deploy.new : Deploy a new Vercel project from a repository or template. (same as zeit.new)
- Notion.new : Quickly create a new page in Notion.so
- Discord.new : Create a new discord server.
- Glitch.new : Create a new project on Glitch.
- Interview.new : Create a new interview on Hackerearth.
This list started as personal collection of interesting things to do with .new
domains, if you have more useful .new
actions, feel free to open a new PR, Your contributions and suggestions are heartily♡ welcome,