
ethernet or rs232 remote control with various scpi command for different instrument (lecroy oscilloscope, hp/agilent/keysight pulse generator, power supply, oven ...)

Primary LanguagePython


This is an informal instrumental test setup based upon a Raspberry

synoptique setup1

The aim is to automate electronic deviced measure, a bit like LabView could do, but with code rather than grafical interface (also it i free). The overall consist in a basic configuration of a RPi and few homemade drivers of the instruments we had on the shelves.

setup your python path, or put the drivers in python -m site --user-site

export PYTHONPATH=~/testbench/drivers/
#  or
mkdir -p "`python -m site --user-site`"
mv drivers/* $(python -m site --user-site)

example of outcome result a ramp at the input an auto-fitted curve on the scope for better measurement of the maximum ... what I would have done manually.

Vin rise, auto-fit output