
Livewire dashboard with bootstrap and breeze

Primary LanguageBlade


Preston is a dashboard admin panel that was created with laravel 10, that contain common of uses pages for any project to be available for multi propuse of using.

  • RTL Support.
  • Dark Mode.
  • Fully Responsive.
  • Chat App
  • Calendar

alt text


  • Updating Auth Profile.
  • Users Cruds with Default Image Avatar.
  • Categories Cruds with Bootstrap Modal.
  • Tags Cruds with Bootstrap Modal.
  • Posts Cruds with Sommernote and Select2.
  • Cruds for Roles and Premissions.
  • Messenger Chatapp with Mark Readable Message and Online Users.
  • Calendar for Appointments.


  • Make a clone from respository.
git clone git@github.com:ahmedelsewailky/preston.git
  • Downloading packages and requirements.
composer install
  • Creating a copy of .env.example file to .env .
  • Generate your .env file key.
php artisan key:generate
  • Create database with name laravel.
  • Runing migration with seeding, this will create 5000 post.
php artisan migrate --seed
  • Runing server.
php artisan serv

Note: For using single page app just add wire:navigate for all links


Package Name Verison
livewire/livewire 3.0
livewire/volt 1.0
spatie/laravel-permission 6.2
spatie/laravel-translatable 6.5
laravolt/avatar 5.1


Bootstrap https://getbootstrap.com/
jQuery https://jquery.com/
Summernote https://summernote.org/
Select2 https://select2.org/
Apexchart https://apexcharts.com/
FullCalendar https://fullcalendar.io/
