Welcome to SkyCast, a Flutter-based weather application that allows users to track their location and fetch weather information using the WeatherAPI. It also utilizes Firebase for user authentication.
SkyCast is a user-friendly weather application designed to provide real-time weather updates based on the user's current location. By consuming data from the WeatherAPI, it displays current weather conditions, temperature, humidity, wind speed, and other relevant information. The integration with Firebase enables users to create accounts, log in, and personalize their experience.
- User-friendly interface
- Automatic location tracking
- Real-time weather updates
- Detailed weather information (temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc.)
- User authentication using Firebase
Before running the SkyCast app, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:
- Flutter SDK: Install Flutter
- Android Studio / Xcode: For Android and iOS development, respectively
- WeatherAPI Key: Get your API key by signing up
- Clone this repository to your local machine using:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/SkyCast.git
- Change your working directory to the project:
cd SkyCast
- Install the necessary dependencies by running:
flutter pub get
4.Connect your Android or iOS device to your computer using a USB cable, or start an emulator/simulator.
5.Run the app on your device or emulator using the following command:
flutter run