Knowledge Aware Visual Question Answering Framework for developing visual learning apps for children

This project contains a server developed on python3 using FastAPI which is capable of generating multiple knowledge-aware, open-ended and free-formed MCQs from a single image. It also contains a mobile app developed on flutter which interacts with the server to help the children in learning by generating automated quizzes on their favorite topics.

Research paper


The motivation behind the Step-One app is to provide some mean of informal education to out of school children especially in remote areas where the educational facilities are inadequate. The Out of school children data is illustrated below.



The proposed architecture can be divided into four modules


1. Image Labelling

This module is responsible for labelling the image using Google Cloud Vision.

Image Labelling

2. Knowledge Parsing

This module is responsible for parsing the knowledge from Wikipedia.

Knowledge Parsing

3. Questions Answers Extraction

This module is responsible for extracting the answer-aware questions using Google's T5 model fine-tuned on SQuAD dataset.

QA Extraction

4. Relevant Options Creation

This module is responsible for generating relevant options using Sense2Vec to convert simple Questions into MCQs.

Relevant Options

Step-One: A Visual Learning App

Using the proposed framework, we were able to develop a visual learning app for children with the following screens.

1. Image Input Screen

This module is responsible for labelling the image using Google Cloud Vision.

Image Picker Image Selection

2. Topic Selection Screen

This module is responsible for parsing the knowledge from Wikipedia.

Label Selection Another Label Selection

3. Reading Screen

This module is responsible for extracting the answer-aware questions using Google's T5 model fine-tuned on SQuAD dataset.

Label Page Another Label Page

4. Quiz Screen

This module is responsible for generating relevant options using Sense2Vec to convert simple Questions into MCQs.

Quiz Screen Context Screen

5. Score Screen

This module is responsible for generating relevant options using Sense2Vec to convert simple Questions into MCQs.

Good Score Bad Score


This framework will generate the following output considering this image of lion.


Topic Question Answer Options
Carnivora What is the fifth largest order of mammals? ______ Acanthopterygii, Acarina, Actiniaria, Carnivora, Actinomyxidia etc.
Lion What are the biggest causes of the decline of the lion? habitat loss and conflicts with ____ other species, living things, humans, intelligent beings, sentient species etc.
Snout What is the rhinarium associated with? ______ sense of olfaction same strength, stonger, tougher, stronger, weaker, more endurance etc..



To setup the environment, run:

cd QuizApp/server
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/[project_location]/QuizApp/server/keyFile.json"


To install dependencies:

pip3 install sense2vec
pip3 install -U pip setuptools wheel
pip3 install -U spacy
python3 -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

pip3 install spacy-wordnet
python3 -m nltk.downloader wordnet

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
pip3 install -e git://

Download sense2vec

If you haven't previously downloaded the sense2vec data then download it using



You need to first run the server locally using uvicorn

cd server
uvicorn main:app --reload --workers 1 --host --port 8008

OR you can also use this colab notebook which uses ngrok to generate the temporary endpoint.

Colab Notebook

Step-One app

Make sure to install the flutter and server endpoint is updated in constants.dart

flutter run