
An Android app showcasing various features including splash screen implementation, data fetching from APIs with caching, Room database integration, Hilt dependency injection, ViewModel and LiveData usage, RecyclerView with adapters, network connectivity monitoring, ProGuard configuration, and more.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Football League

Project Structure

This project may appear to have a very large structure for its size. However, this deliberate choice was made to demonstrate my proficiency in organizing and architecting code effectively. While the project itself may be small in scale, the structure employed reflects my commitment to writing clean, maintainable, and scalable code.

Note to Visitors

If you find the project structure to be extensive relative to its size, rest assured that it serves as a testament to my dedication to best coding practices and showcases my experience in software development. Every aspect of the structure has been carefully considered and implemented to illustrate my skills in handling complex projects, even on a smaller scale.

Table of Contents


To set up the project, follow these steps:

  1. open Android Studio
  2. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/ahmedkenawy/Football-League.git


  • list of competitions
  • competition details
  • listening to the network
  • get data from the local storage while losing the internet connection
  • event the user from taking a scrren shots or record the screen

Technologies Used

  • kotlin
  • retrofit
  • coroutines
  • hilt for dependency injection
  • navigation component
  • view model
  • room
  • coil
  • junit for testing