
Simulate PWR,CANDU and VVER reactor (Assembly Model) using OpenMC https://openmc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/

Primary LanguagePython


Simulate PWR, CANDU and VVER reactor (Assembly Model ) using OpenMC https://openmc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/

The OpenMC Monte Carlo Code

OpenMC is Monte Carlo particle transport simulation open source code focused one neutron criticality calculations. It is capable of simulating 3D models based on solid geometry and second-order surface, also support either continuous-energy or multi-group. OpenMC was originally developed by members of the Computational Reactor Physics Group at MIT started in 2011.

This Project

In this project, three different types of reactor had been simulated with three different Uo2 enrichment.Pressurized water reactor (PWR AP1000), CANDU reactor(ARC100) and water-cooled water-moderated energy reactor(VVER-1000) had been chosen to be simulated due to the difference in geometry of assembly and fuel rod composition.

Geometry layout of AP1000 PWR assembly using OpenMC-v0.8.0.

APP1000 assembly

Geometry layout of CANDU ACR700 assembly using OpenMC-v0.8.0.


Geometry layout of VVER-1000 assembly using OpenMC-v0.8.0.
