Digital Logic Circuits Analyzer Server

A modern web application based on deep learning and advanced image processing techniques to analyze images of logic circuits and simulate their truth table.

This is the backend of the Digital Logic Circuits Analyzer application. The main server is based on Nodejs and Express. They provide a REST API interface for interacting with the Python scripts on the server which do the actual computation and analysis.

Repo Breakdown

All directories on the repo contain the API management Nodejs code except the controllers directory which contains the Python processing code.

The controllers directory containes another directory called templates which contains the template images of the logic gates recognized by the app.

Detailed Tech Stack

Tool Use
NodeJs and Express REST API
Python Image Processing and Truth Table Calculations

The backend is hosted on a Heroku server with the following buildpacks:

  1. Apt
  2. Python
  3. NodeJs

The Apt buildpack is used to allow the installation of some linux libraries using apt install on the server. OpenCV requires those Linux libraries and they must be installed manually.

The code on this repo is deployment-ready, all you need is to enable the buildpacks from your Heroku account and all the required Linux libraries, Python Pip packages, and Node npm modules will be installed from the configuration files on the repo.