
sentiment analysis on Amazon reviews using deep learning models (simpleRNN and LSTM). Preprocess the dataset, split it for training and validation, and build a vocabulary for word embedding. The project includes a real-time prediction feature for user-inputted reviews and provides a report detailing model summaries and best hyperparameters.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Text Classification using RNN and Word Embeddings

sentiment analysis on Amazon reviews using deep learning models (simpleRNN and LSTM). Preprocess the dataset, split it for training and validation, and build a vocabulary for word embedding. The project includes a real-time prediction feature for user-inputted reviews and provides a report detailing model summaries and best hyperparameters. Ideal for NLP enthusiasts exploring text classification techniques.


Sentiment analysis is a common task in natural language processing (NLP) that aims to determine the sentiment or opinion expressed in a piece of text. This project leverages deep learning techniques, specifically RNN and LSTM models, to classify the sentiment of Amazon reviews into positive, neutral, or negative categories.


  • Data Preprocessing: Includes cleaning and preprocessing text data.
  • Tokenization and Padding: Converts text data into a numerical format suitable for model training.
  • Model Creation: Defines and initializes RNN and LSTM models.
  • Training and Validation: Implements training loops with performance tracking.
  • GUI Application: Provides a simple GUI for sentiment prediction using trained models.
  • Visualization: Plots training and validation losses.


  1. Data Preprocessing: Preprocess the dataset to clean and tokenize the text data.
  2. Model Training: Train the RNN and LSTM models on the preprocessed data.
  3. Sentiment Prediction: Use the trained models to predict the sentiment of new reviews via a GUI application.


The project uses the Amazon reviews dataset, which contains customer reviews and ratings. The dataset includes the following columns:

  • sentiments: The sentiment of the review (positive, neutral, negative).
  • cleaned_review: The preprocessed review text.
  • cleaned_review_length: The length of the cleaned review.
  • review_score: The review score given by the customer.

Model Training

The project defines and trains two types of models:

  • RNN Model: A simple Recurrent Neural Network for sentiment classification.
  • LSTM Model: A Long Short-Term Memory network, which is more effective for capturing long-term dependencies in text data.

Both models are trained using the Adam optimizer and cross-entropy loss function.

GUI for Sentiment Prediction

A simple GUI application is provided for predicting the sentiment of new reviews. The user can input a review, select the model (RNN or LSTM), and get the predicted sentiment.


RNN Model

  • Training Loss: Shows a decreasing trend over epochs, indicating good learning progress.
  • Validation Loss: Fluctuates but generally decreases, suggesting the model is learning but experiencing some overfitting.
  • Validation Accuracy: Stabilizes around 86%, demonstrating reasonable performance for sentiment classification.

RNN Model Performance:

Epoch Train Loss Val Loss Val Accuracy
1 0.6734 0.5767 77.85%
2 0.5406 0.5487 79.70%
3 0.4409 0.5355 80.48%
... ... ... ...
20 0.0597 0.7657 86.08%

RNN Performance

LSTM Model

  • Training Loss: Decreases steadily, indicating effective learning.
  • Validation Loss: Generally decreases, showing good generalization with slight overfitting.
  • Validation Accuracy: Peaks around 89%, indicating superior performance over the RNN model.

LSTM Model Performance:

Epoch Train Loss Val Loss Val Accuracy
1 0.5736 0.4878 79.76%
2 0.3643 0.3995 85.21%
3 0.2299 0.4260 85.88%
... ... ... ...
20 0.0117 0.7123 88.72%

LSTM Performance