
An AWS S3 package for pre-signed upload purpose in Laravel and PHP.

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AWS S3 Presigned SDK

php-badge packagist-badge


Traditionally to upload a file from users to a private S3 bucket needs two internet connections. One is from client to your own server, and the other is from your server to S3 bucket. Using pre-signed upload can solve this problem. Your server issues pre-signed upload url for client to upload in advance, and the client can upload his file to S3 bucket directly within an authorized time period. This package wraps S3 pre-signed api for PHP and Laravel.


composer require unisharp/s3-presigned

Laravel 5


Add ServiceProvider and Facade in app/config/app.php.

'S3Presigned' => Unisharp\S3\Presigned\Facades\S3Presigned::class,

It supports package discovery for Laravel 5.5.


Add settings to .env file.

// required

// optional


 * @return string
public function getSimpleUploadUrl($key, $minutes = 10, array $options = [], $guzzle = false)
  • $key: your s3 file key, a prefix will be prepended automatically.
  • $minutes: expire time for the pre-signed url.
  • $options: see AWS docs to find more.
  • $guzzle: set true if you want to get a guzzle instance instead of string.
 * @return array('endpoint', 'inputs')
public function getUploadForm($minutes = 10, array $policies = [], array $defaults = [])
  • $minutes: expire time for the pre-signed url.
  • $policies: see AWS docs to find more.
  • $defaults: default key-values you want to add to form inputs.

for more detail, please see: AWS docs

 * @return array
public function listObjects($directory = '', $recursive = false)
 * @return boolean
public function deleteObject($key)
 * @return string
public function getBaseUri()
 * @return this
public function setPrefix($prefix)
 * @return string
public function getPrefix()
 * @return this
public function setBucket($bucket)
 * @return string
public function getBucket()
 * @return Aws\S3\S3Client
public function getClient()