React BattleShip

this is a fully responsive BattleShip game made in react/redux and other tools , the game is 5 pages and has 3 reducers to mange actions & state ,it optimizes DRY concept and other react best practices , the rules of the game is explained in it ,you can start playing it here ,the game routes is protected by the name , it won't work unless you provide your name ,and you can choose to make the game remember that so you don't need to enter it again, and there's a dashboard for all the results where you can see all the other games result and other information.

Play The game ?

runit on your machine !

install dependencies

npm install

Run in dev mode

npm start

tools used in this app

  • react
  • redux / react-redux
  • framer motion
  • tailwindCss
  • react-icons
  • toastify
  • rect router
  • react-icons

how it works

how the game work

  • if there's no name redirect tot welcome page get players name and remember it if chooses
  • rules if needed else go to placing page
  • place ship in H/V mode and after placing a ship it disappears from the fleet
  • battle when your turn hit other player map and show hit or miss
  • when it's bot turn randomly hit a cell and switch turns
  • use the main message to notify the player the result / guides
  • when there's a winner wait 4 sec then redirect to the winner page
  • the results page get the stored results from the local storage and add the new one to them

placing the ship

  • if select a ship can't select ship before place the selected ship
  • upon click while a ship is selected and removed from the fleet , then as a player place the ship and change the cells status to occupied by the ship

battle start

  • generating the newCell for bot and then placing all ships in
  • placing all ships in the bot grid up on mounting
  • start the turn with the player he hit the bot's grid in cell that cell is dispatching hit action on it
  • when mounting the battle page component we set player turn to true
  • when the player hit a cell we notify him using portal (notification panel component) about hit or mis
  • then we set the bot turn to true and randomly hit a cell (will add difficult mode in the future )
  • after bot hit a cell we add new notifier to the portal and keeps going
  • when a hit for the bot / player we inc their score by 1
  • after that when any of the bot / player collect 15 point it means he won cuz theirs 15 occupied cell
  • 1 boat + 2 ship + 3 submarine + 4 battleship + 5 carrier = 15 points
  • calc game time save score / name / time of game / duration in local storage
  • on small screen hide the notification panel and show one notification only for each hit

File structure

├── public
└── src
    ├── assets (all assists used)
    │   └── readme-images
    ├── components (all project Components)
    ├── helpers (helper functions)
    ├── pages (routes Components)
    └── store (redux Store/Reducers/Actions)
        ├── cells
        │   └── botCells
        └── main

images from the game

all view from the game im many sizes


Great thanks to:

  1. The odin project
