
🍒 Generate beatiful keybind cheatsheets

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Generate beautiful keybind cheatsheets

Note: This project is in early stages, it does work but could do with more configuration and QoL

I. Setup

Clone and install dependancies

git clone https://github.com/ahmedmahmud/cherry
cd cherry
npm i

II. Usage

Setup a JSON file with your configuration, example one provided in options.json.

Run the script with the path to the JSON file

npm start <path_to_config_json>

It will create an output.png with your cheatsheet image


This was project was inspired by NvChad's cheatsheet and is an attempt at making a general utility for such cheatsheets.

Future plans

  • Package into a binary somehow
    • May need a port away from node?
    • Speed increase would be nice
  • More colorschemes
    • Custom colorschemes
  • More fonts
    • Custom fonts
  • Configure font sizes
  • Configure spacing/gaps
  • Add default options, overwrite with specific options
  • Add more styles
    • Maybe modular styling such as:
      • Card styles
        • Corner radius
        • Borders
        • Transparency & Blur
        • Image/gradient backgrounds
        • Drop shadows
        • Title bar styles
      • Sheet styles
        • Image/gradient backgrouns
        • Frames/borders

Most of these style options can easily be hacked in if you know a bit of web design. I chose tailwind for its ease-of-use and great documentation