
App to get the weather according to your location or by city name

My application is consisit of three screens

  • First screen is a landing screen that navigate to other screens.
  • Second screen is Get Weather By name : in this screen you can input atleast 3 of city names or maximum 7 and app will get to your the weather of these cities.
  • third screen is Get Weather By location : in this screen it shows the result of 5 days 3 hours according to your location so you need to give this app the permission to access your location.



Development Notes

this app is written by java with architecture pattern MVVM also used Retorit to call api's, Dagger is used as a DI library and the communication between layers done through LiveData

app divided into three modules

  • data : that has retrofit service, data source models and repos
  • Module : that has Dependency injection modules
  • UI : that has view and viewModel

used libraries

  • Dagger
  • gson
  • lifecycle
  • retrofit2
