
Scripts to install TAP and run workloads using TAP

Primary LanguageShell

TAP on Docker-Desktop / Google Cloud (GKE)


  • Installing TAP on Docker Desktop requires sufficient resources in CPU and memory. These installation scripts have been tested on Docker resources with 8 cpus and 16 GB of RAM.
  • Installation process may be slow on Docker Desktop due to limited resources and enough time must be given to complete the installation( sometimes 10 minutes or more ). Have noticed that if there are too many applications running along with Docker then the installation is very, very slow and times out
  • The container registry used for installation on Docker Desktop is Harbor.


In order to complete the installation, please ensure you have:

  • Account created in Tanzu Network. Information on creating a Tanzu Network account can be found here
  • pivnet CLI API Token for login. Information on generating a pivnet token for login can be found here

For Docker Desktop:

  • Docker Desktop installed in your local workstation. Scripts were tested on Docker Desktop v4.5.0 with Docker Engine v20.10.12
  • Kubernetes enabled in Docker Desktop ( Kubernetes version v1.22.5 ).
  • Harbor container registry account. Can request for a corporate harbor account on the Self Service Portal. Requires VMware VPN connection
  • Create Robot Account for Harbor container registry

For GCP:

  • Google Cloud Account
  • gcloud CLI installed and configured with project/region Refer to instructions here
  • Create a service account in Google Cloud IAM with permission for GKE clusters, compute instance,Container registry(admin privileges for these resources). Create a key file for this service account and download it to the local system.
  • The script creates a jump host on GCP, from where the installation is done on the GKE cluster

Installing TAP


  • Create an environment configuration file with the name.env at the root of the project folder using the template file env.sample.

    $ cp .env.sample .env
  • Edit the configuration file and provide all required values. Description of each variable is provided below:

Key Description
K8_CLUSTER Target K8 Cluster where TAP will be installed. Must be either docker-desktop or gke
PIVNET_API_TOKEN API token to access the Tanzu Network account. Refer to pre-requisite section above on how to generate an API token
TANZUNET_REGISTRY Static text - registry.tanzu.vmware.com
TANZUNET_USERNAME User name to access Tanzu Network. Refer to pre-requisite section above on how to create a Tanzu Net account
TANZUNET_PASSWORD Password to access Tanzu Network
CONTAINER_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME Container registry to host the Tanzu Build Service dependencies, supply chain artefacts and workload images . Must have write access and space of 10GB.
CONTAINER_REGISTRY_USERNAME Username for the CONTAINER_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME container repository provided above. Note if you are using robot account for Harbor repository, it should be enclosed in single quotes to avoid unnecessary command substitution. For e.g. CONTAINER_REGISTRY_USERNAME='robot$demo+admin'. For Google cloud this is always _json_key
CONTAINER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD Password for the CONTAINER_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME container repository provided above. For GKE this is the path to the Google Cloud JSON credentials file
CONTAINER_REPOSITORY Name of the repository in the CONTAINER_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME. For Harbor and Google Cloud, this is the project name
CATALOG_GUI_GIT_URL Path to the catalog-info.yaml catalog definition file. For e.g. If the catalog is hosted on Github, then the path will be the full URL of the catalog-info.yaml file as https://github.com/<git_user>/<git_repo>/blob/main/catalog-info.yaml
INGRESS_DOMAIN Subdomain of your choice that is the value of the same name passed to the tap-gui package. via the tap-values.yaml. To simplify DNS for our local(Docker Desktop) installation , we set our ingress-domain to 127-0-0-1.nip.io. This will automatically route requests to localhost and does not require any entries to be made to /etc/hosts file
DEVELOPER_NAMESPACE Kubernetes namespace which holds all resources for workload per developer
DEFAULT_WORKLOAD_NAME Default workload name used if not specified when creating workloads on TAP. Default value sample-app
GCP_REGION Google Cloud Region where all GCP resources (GKE,Jump Host) are created
GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME Google IAM Service account with privileges for GKE, Compute, Container Registry. The key file associated with this account must be provided in CONTAINER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD
  • To be run on GCP only: Setup the Google Cloud environment by creating the GKE cluster and jump host.


    This will create the GKE cluster with the name tap-cluster and a jump host with the name tap-jump. copy over the service account json key to the jump host and then supply it as a path value in the environment file for CONTAINER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD As part of this script, the project files are also copied over to the jump host, from where the scripts can be run directly from the jump host.

  • To be run on GCP only: SSH into the GCP jump host by using

    gcloud compute ssh tap-jump  

    Navigate to the root of the project after logging into the jump host and run all the commands below from the jump host

Step 0 - Configure the install environment

  • Run the following command from the root of the project folder to configure the install environment


    This script will download the pivent CLI if not installed previously and login using the PIVNET_API_TOKEN provided in the environment configuration file. It will also download jq, curl and kubectl A sample output is shown below where the pivnet CLI has been succesfully authenticated with the provided tanzu net credentials

    Logged-in successfully

Step 1 - Install Tanzu Cluster Essentials

  • Run the following command from the root of the project folder to install Tanzu Cluster Essentials

     sudo ./install/01-install-tanzu-cluster-essentials.sh 

    A sample output is shown below where the Tanzu Cluster Essentials is successfully deployed.

    3:35:50PM:  ^ Waiting for generation 2 to be observed
    3:35:50PM:  L ok: waiting on replicaset/secretgen-controller-545c98d48 (apps/v1) namespace: secretgen-controller
    3:35:50PM:  L ongoing: waiting on pod/secretgen-controller-545c98d48-tj2lx (v1) namespace: secretgen-controller
    3:35:50PM:     ^ Pending: ContainerCreating
    3:35:51PM: ok: reconcile deployment/secretgen-controller (apps/v1) namespace: secretgen-controller
    3:35:51PM: ---- applying complete [12/12 done] ----
    3:35:51PM: ---- waiting complete [12/12 done] ----  

Step 2 - Install Tanzu CLI

  • Run the following command from the root of the project folder to install Tanzu CLI

     sudo ./install/02-install-tanzu-cli.sh 

    A sample output is shown below which lists the Tanzu CLI plugins are installed on the platform

    ✔  successfully installed 'all' plugin
    NAME                DESCRIPTION                                                        SCOPE       DISCOVERY  VERSION  STATUS
    login               Login to the platform                                              Standalone  default    v0.11.1  not installed
    management-cluster  Kubernetes management-cluster operations                           Standalone  default    v0.11.1  not installed
    package             Tanzu package management                                           Standalone  default    v0.11.1  installed
    pinniped-auth       Pinniped authentication operations (usually not directly invoked)  Standalone  default    v0.11.1  not installed
    secret              Tanzu secret management                                            Standalone  default    v0.11.1  installed
    services            Discover Service Types and manage Service Instances (ALPHA)        Standalone             v0.1.1   installed
    accelerator         Manage accelerators in a Kubernetes cluster                        Standalone             v1.0.1   installed
    apps                Applications on Kubernetes                                         Standalone             v0.4.1   installed

Step 3 - Configure Tanzu Repository

  • Configure Tanzu Repository


    A sample output is shown below where the Tanzu repository is reconciled successfully.

    Added package repository 'tanzu-tap-repository' in namespace 'tap-install'
    \ Retrieving repository tanzu-tap-repository...
    NAME:          tanzu-tap-repository
    VERSION:       1747145
    REPOSITORY:    registry.tanzu.vmware.com/tanzu-application-platform/tap-packages
    TAG:           1.0.1
    STATUS:        Reconcile succeeded

Step 4 - Install TAP

  • Install TAP


    Note: This may take some time to complete the installation. You will continue to see a message as below when the reconciliation is in progress

     / Waiting for 'PackageInstall' reconciliation for 'tap'
    | 'PackageInstall' resource install status: Reconciling

    If the TAP installation script has failed reconciliation you can see the error message as below

    / Waiting for 'PackageInstall' reconciliation for 'tap'
    / 'PackageInstall' resource install status: Reconciling
    Please consider using 'tanzu package installed update' to update the installed package with correct settings
    Error: timed out waiting for the condition
    Error: exit status 1
    ✖  exit status 1

    The reconciliation process continues in the background without any user interaction. You could verify the status of the package reconciliation as described in the next step.

Step 5 - Verify TAP Installation

  • Verify TAP installation


    A sample output is shown below where some of the TAP packages have failed reconciliation

    NAME                      PACKAGE-NAME                                  PACKAGE-VERSION  STATUS
    accelerator               accelerator.apps.tanzu.vmware.com             1.0.1            Reconcile succeeded
    appliveview               run.appliveview.tanzu.vmware.com              1.0.2-build.2    Reconcile succeeded
    appliveview-conventions   build.appliveview.tanzu.vmware.com            1.0.2-build.2    Reconcile failed: Error (see .status.usefulErrorMessage for details)
    buildservice              buildservice.tanzu.vmware.com                 1.4.2            Reconcile succeeded
    cartographer              cartographer.tanzu.vmware.com                 0.2.1            Reconcile succeeded
    cert-manager              cert-manager.tanzu.vmware.com                 1.5.3+tap.1      Reconcile succeeded
    cnrs                      cnrs.tanzu.vmware.com                         1.1.0            Reconcile failed: Error (see .status.usefulErrorMessage for details)

    You can further look at the error message for each package failure by running the below command and providing the package name which has failed reconciliation as an argument

     ./install/05-verify-tap-install.sh cnrs

    The below sample shows the installation details for the package cnrs

     |  Retrieving installation details for cnrs...
    NAME:                    cnrs
    PACKAGE-NAME:            cnrs.tanzu.vmware.com
    PACKAGE-VERSION:         1.1.0
    STATUS:                  Reconcile failed: Error (see .status.usefulErrorMessage for details)
    CONDITIONS:              [{ReconcileFailed True  Error (see .status.usefulErrorMessage for details)}]
    USEFUL-ERROR-MESSAGE:    kapp: Error: waiting on reconcile deployment/imc-dispatcher (apps/v1) namespace: knative-eventing:
    Finished unsuccessfully (Deployment is not progressing: ProgressDeadlineExceeded (message: ReplicaSet "imc-dispatcher-5987767d76" has timed out progressing.))

    The package reconciliation failure could be because of client-side throttling of Kubernetes. You can continue to wait until all packages have been reconciled successfully

    A sample output is shown below where the TAP packages have been reconciled successfully.

    | Retrieving installed packages...
    NAME                      PACKAGE-NAME                                  PACKAGE-VERSION  STATUS
    accelerator               accelerator.apps.tanzu.vmware.com             1.0.1            Reconcile succeeded
    appliveview               run.appliveview.tanzu.vmware.com              1.0.2-build.2    Reconcile succeeded
    appliveview-conventions   build.appliveview.tanzu.vmware.com            1.0.2-build.2    Reconcile succeeded
    buildservice              buildservice.tanzu.vmware.com                 1.4.2            Reconcile succeeded
    cartographer              cartographer.tanzu.vmware.com                 0.2.1            Reconcile succeeded
    cert-manager              cert-manager.tanzu.vmware.com                 1.5.3+tap.1      Reconcile succeeded
    cnrs                      cnrs.tanzu.vmware.com                         1.1.0            Reconcile succeeded
    contour                   contour.tanzu.vmware.com                      1.18.2+tap.1     Reconcile succeeded
    conventions-controller    controller.conventions.apps.tanzu.vmware.com  0.5.0            Reconcile succeeded
    developer-conventions     developer-conventions.tanzu.vmware.com        0.5.0            Reconcile succeeded
    fluxcd-source-controller  fluxcd.source.controller.tanzu.vmware.com     0.16.1           Reconcile succeeded
    ootb-delivery-basic       ootb-delivery-basic.tanzu.vmware.com          0.6.1            Reconcile succeeded
    ootb-supply-chain-basic   ootb-supply-chain-basic.tanzu.vmware.com      0.6.1            Reconcile succeeded
    ootb-templates            ootb-templates.tanzu.vmware.com               0.6.1            Reconcile succeeded
    service-bindings          service-bindings.labs.vmware.com              0.6.0            Reconcile succeeded
    services-toolkit          services-toolkit.tanzu.vmware.com             0.5.0            Reconcile succeeded
    source-controller         controller.source.apps.tanzu.vmware.com       0.2.0            Reconcile succeeded
    spring-boot-conventions   spring-boot-conventions.tanzu.vmware.com      0.3.0            Reconcile succeeded
    tap                       tap.tanzu.vmware.com                          1.0.1            Reconcile succeeded
    tap-gui                   tap-gui.tanzu.vmware.com                      1.0.2            Reconcile succeeded
    tap-telemetry             tap-telemetry.tanzu.vmware.com                0.1.3            Reconcile succeeded
    tekton-pipelines          tekton.tanzu.vmware.com                       0.30.0           Reconcile succeeded

    After all packages have been reconciled succesfully, you can deploy workloads using TAP. Refer to the workload documentation in this project


Manual reconciliation of package

  • In case you need to manually start reconciliation of a package that has failed:


Updating Tanzu package after changing tap-values.yaml

  • In case of any changes to the tap-values.yaml, you can re-apply the configuration by using:


Running Workloads on TAP

Step 1 - Setup Dev namespace

  • Setup Developer workspace

This script will create a separate namespace for the developer to run workloads using the name DEVELOPER_NAMESPACE defined in the environment configuration. It also configures the RBAC, secrets to deploy workloads

A sample partial output is shown below where the Developer namespace and RBAC is created successfully.

secret/tap-registry created
serviceaccount/default configured
role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/default created
rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/default created

Step 2 - Create workload

  • Create workload

    ./workloads/02-workload-create.sh sample-app

    Note: The argument provided above to the script is the name of the workload.

    The following output is generated which also contains the workload yaml.

    + tanzu apps workload create sample-app --git-repo https://github.com/sample-accelerators/tanzu-java-web-app --git-branch main --type web --label app.kubernetes.io/part-of=sample-app --namespace dev1 --yes
    Create workload:
          1 + |---
          2 + |apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
          3 + |kind: Workload
          4 + |metadata:
          5 + |  labels:
          6 + |    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: sample-app
          7 + |    apps.tanzu.vmware.com/workload-type: web
          8 + |  name: sample-app
          9 + |  namespace: dev1
        10 + |spec:
        11 + |  source:
        12 + |    git:
        13 + |      ref:
        14 + |        branch: main
        15 + |      url: https://github.com/sample-accelerators/tanzu-java-web-app
    Created workload "sample-app"

This should take a very long time on Docker Desktop due to limited resource capacity (sometimes over 10 mins)

Step 3 - Check status of workload

  • Tail the logs generated by the workload

    ./workloads/03-workload-tail.sh sample-app

    Note: The argument provided below to the script is the name of the workload that is used in the above step.

    The output from the command will display all the current tasks that are being run as part of the supply chain

  • Check the status of the workload

    ./workloads/04-workload-status.sh sample-app
    lastTransitionTime: "2022-02-23T05:07:26Z"
    message: ""
    reason: Ready
    status: "True"
    type: Ready
    Workload pods
    NAME                                 STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    sample-app-build-1-build-pod         Succeeded   0          13m
    sample-app-config-writer-px56g-pod   Succeeded   0          6m48s
    Workload Knative Services
    NAME         READY   URL
    sample-app   Ready   http://sample-app.dev1.tap.ahmedmq.co.in

    Notice the status of the sample-app is 'Ready' and the URL of the workload which is formed of the DEFAULT_WORKLOAD_NAME, DEVELOPER_NAMESPACE and INGRESS_DOMAIN defined in the configuration file

Step 4 - Test workload

  • Configure DNS to route traffic to the envoy load balancer. This needs to be done for GCP only, for Docker-desktop we have configured the 127-0-0-1.nip.io domain

    Obtain the external IP of the envoy load balancer

     kubectl get service envoy -n tanzu-system-ingress
    NAME    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                      AGE
    envoy   LoadBalancer   80:31593/TCP,443:31440/TCP   46m
  • Create a wildcard DNS record for the domain you have provided in the environment configuration(INGRESS_DOMAIN). A sample is shown below

    Namecheap Domain Mapping

  • Run command to curl to the workload url and check the response

    ./workloads/05-workload-test.sh sample-app

    Below is a sample output from the curl command to the workload url, which executes every 2 seconds.

    Greetings from Spring Boot + Tanzu!
    Greetings from Spring Boot + Tanzu!
    Greetings from Spring Boot + Tanzu!
    Greetings from Spring Boot + Tanzu!
    Greetings from Spring Boot + Tanzu!

    The URL of the workload can be been seen in the output of the workload status command in the previous step. Alternatively, you can open the browser and enter the URL to access the workload

Step 5 - Delete workload

  • After completing the above steps, you can clean up by deleting the workload


    A sample output below shows the workload is successfully deleted

    + tanzu apps workload delete sample-app --namespace dev1 --yes
    Deleted workload "sample-app" 

    The namespace and workload name in the above output is picked up from DEVELOPER_NAMESPACE and DEFAULT_WORKLOAD_NAME defined in the environment configuration file

Uninstall TAP

  • Finally, we can clean up the whole TAP installation by running the following command. Note, alternatively the quicker way is deleting the cluster or resetting Kubernetes in Docker desktop and then executing this step.

      sudo ./install/08-uninstall-all.sh

    This will take a long time to complete, during which it will remove all the TAP packages, repositories Tanzu Cluster Essentials, CLI and any temporary directories.

  • Delete the jump host . Export the GCP_REGION variable

    gcloud compute instances delete tap-jump -q --zone="$CLUSTER_ZONE"