
Inspired and based on Shireen Zoaby original workshop and converted it to use express and promises.

In this workshop we'll be building on what we learnt in the pg code along. This app currently contains static data on users' name and location. We'll be setting up our own database connection so that the data can be retrieved from a table of "users" instead. We'll also want to write code that enables us to add new users via a form.

Getting started

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install the node_modules by typing npm i in your terminal.
  3. Run npm run devin your terminal and checkout the result at http://localhost:5000. This is the starting template for what you'll be building.
  4. In server/controllers/index.js you'll see /users endpoint. The data is currently coming from the static.js file. Add your own name and location within static.js. Refresh the page & check the results.

Task 1: Setting up the database

We are currently hard-coding the data in to the application (static.js) because we don't have a database. Now we want to replace static.js with an actual database. Let's start by setting up the database we will connect to.

  1. Connect to postgres, by typing psql or pgcli in the terminal.
  2. use these commands to create your database
    CREATE DATABASE db_name;
    ALTER DATABASE db_name OWNER TO user_name;
  3. Add a config.env file and add the database's url in this format: DB_URL = postgres://[username]:[password]@localhost:5432/[database].

Task 2: Getting data from the database

Your job now is to add to database/config/connection.js and database/queries/getData.js and refactor your controllers/index.js so that the response data comes from the users table in your database instead of from static.js.

  1. In the terminal, connect to your database using pgcli postgres://[username]:[password]@localhost:5432/[database].
  2. Create a table called 'users' with three columns: 'id', 'name' and 'location' and add a couple of rows of dummy data. Hint: don't hard code the ids
  3. Inside database/queries/getData.js, write a SQL query that pulls the necessary data from your database.
  4. Change the /users function in controllers/index.js to call the getData query.

Task 3: Adding data to the database

So far, we've only been dealing with GETting data from a server. But what if we want users to be able to add their details to our database?

As we still don't have a visible form in the front end, only a developer can add to the database, either through psql in the command line, or by adding .sql files to this repo. Let's change that.

In the commented out form in index.html we have this HTML attribute: action="create-user". When a user clicks 'submit' on this form, the details they have entered will be sent in the payload to a create-user endpoint.

  1. Open up index.html and uncomment the form
  2. Check that you can see an empty input box when you refresh your browser
  3. Inside database/queries/postData.js, write a SQL query that insert the necessary data into your database.
  4. Add a new endpoint to your router (/create-user) and find the way to handle it.


Style it up!

  • Try and get the design looking as close as possible to the below:
