
Reddit clone application built using Spring Boot, Spring Security, Hibernate, Angular, Tailwind CSS, and MySQL. The project mimics the core functionality of Reddit, providing a platform for users to post content, comment, upvote, and downvote posts, while incorporating robust security features like OAuth2 authentication, JWT authorization

Primary LanguageJava

Reddit Clone using Spring And Angular

A vibrant online community where users can engage in discussions, share content, and discover a world of diverse perspectives. Built with Angular for a sleek and dynamic front-end experience, paired with the robust Spring Boot framework and MySQL backend, Our platform offers a seamless and responsive environment for users to connect.

Angular Client repo: https://github.com/ahmedrafat-SW/reddit-ui

API Documentation


POST /api/auth/sign-up

Registers a new user.

  • Request Body: RegisterRequest
  • Response: 200 OK with message "User Registration Successful"

GET /api/auth/accountVerification/{token}

Verifies user account with the given token.

  • Path Variable: token (String)
  • Response: 200 OK with message "Account is Activated Successfully."

POST /api/auth/login

Authenticates a user and returns a JWT.

  • Request Body: LoginRequest
  • Response: 200 OK with AuthenticationResponse

POST /api/auth/refresh/token

Generates a new JWT using a refresh token.

  • Request Body: RefreshTokenRequest
  • Response: 201 Created with AuthenticationResponse

POST /api/auth/logout

Logs out the user and deletes the refresh token.

  • Request Body: RefreshTokenRequest
  • Response: 200 OK with message "Refresh Token Successfully deleted."


POST /api/comments

Creates a new comment.

  • Request Body: CommentDto
  • Response: 201 Created with CommentDto

GET /api/comments/by-postId/{id}

Gets comments by post ID.

  • Path Variable: id (long)
  • Response: 200 OK with list of CommentDto

GET /api/comments/by-user/{name}

Gets comments by username.

  • Path Variable: name (String)
  • Response: 200 OK with list of CommentDto


POST /api/posts

Creates a new post.

  • Request Body: PostRequest
  • Response: 201 Created with PostResponse

GET /api/posts

Gets all posts.

  • Response: 200 OK with list of PostResponse

GET /api/posts/{id}

Gets a post by ID.

  • Path Variable: id (int)
  • Response: 200 OK with PostResponse

GET /api/posts/by-subreddit/{id}

Gets posts by subreddit ID.

  • Path Variable: id (int)
  • Response: 200 OK with list of PostResponse

GET /api/posts/by-user/{name}

Gets posts by username.

  • Path Variable: name (String)
  • Response: 200 OK with list of PostResponse


POST /api/subreddit

Creates a new subreddit.

  • Request Body: SubredditDto
  • Response: 201 Created with SubredditDto

GET /api/subreddit/{id}

Gets a subreddit by ID.

  • Path Variable: id (int)
  • Response:
    • 200 OK with SubredditDto
    • 404 Not Found with message "Can't find this subreddit"

GET /api/subreddit

Gets all subreddits.

  • Response: 200 OK with list of SubredditDto


POST /api/votes

Creates a vote.

  • Request Body: VoteDto
  • Response: 201 Created