
Program to make a cpp project.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Program to make a cpp project. Made by Momoyon.

Only works on Windows as it depends on WinAPI.

How it works

Makes a directory named with the project name that you provide and runs runemacs.exe on that folder. Note: if emacs directory must be in your PATH! It checks for an environment variable CppDir and makes the folder there. If no such environment variable is set, it just uses the current directory.


$ Usage: cpp-proj.exe [options] <proj-name>


$ premake5 vs2022
$ msbuild -p:configuration=Debug build\cpp-proj.sln
$ bin\Debug\cpp-proj.exe

Note: You can also open the VS solution file (.sln) directly and build with Visual Studio(If you want to wait eternally for it to open) and build it.
