
How to run tests:

  1. run the following command docker-compose up -d test
  2. then this command to setup the env ./

now the app is read for local development, you can do the following to test it

  1. run docker-compose exec test sh
  2. then go test ./... that should run all the tests

How to run server:

  1. run the following command docker-compose up -d database
  2. then this command to setup the env ./ it might take time till MySQL is ready for serving requests
  3. then run the following command docker-compose up -d web to start the server on the localhost (you can control server port number through APP_PORT env var in .env file, and even all env params like MySQl and the notifier)

now the app is ready to serve network network requests

File Hierarchy

entities/ It’s responsible for creating application entities (shared classes that all models can deal with) and shared functions.

usecases/ It’s responsible for handling application usecases and acceptance criteria without paying attention to any technical flow, and it operates against interfaces that handle all technical flow

adapters/ It’s responsible for handling technical flow for ‘usecases/’ and delegates the technical details to other classes

models/ It’s responsible for dealing with MySQL

controllers/ It’s responsible for handling user inputs (API parameters) to fulfill application usecases and decorating usecases reply

register/ It’s responsible for solving all classes’ dependencies and providing a controller ready to handle the traffic

xxxtest/ It’s responsible for handling all service tests