This repo includes Books and imp notes related to GCP, Azure, AWS, Docker, K8s, and DevOps. More, exam and interview prep notes.
- ahmedtariq01Tkxel
- andsag
- aportolan
- ChessminatorDevops Engineer
- chpanag
- dhirajr69
- dsoul
- eemailme
- GirishVC86
- iarba-tare
- ibmfashion
- itamarjpInternet Services Provider Brasil
- JesusChristos
- jflbrParis
- julioncundefined
- kamalakar07
- KingslyJebarajCoimbatore
- mallikarjuna2021
- MarcoPalomoNice Ambien IT
- morganwang010
- newcfg
- nick4eva
- nikonsgit
- NorbertHermancoinfirm
- popoff
- roybylonElerinmosa Resource Hub
- rpademodata
- saiteja811
- sandeepsauravdas@nirmalyalabs
- traw
- ttp2016
- valentinhornea
- vancaemNetherlands
- zhouwangwang