Static Code Analysis

Maintainability Issue Count python3.8

Google KickStart 2022

What is KickStart?

Kick Start offers coders around the world the chance to develop and hone their programming skills through online-hosted competition rounds. The three-hour rounds feature a variety of algorithmic challenges, all developed by Google engineers so that you get a taste of the technical skills needed for a career at Google. The top competitors from our Kick Start rounds may be invited to interview at Google. These rounds are held regularly throughout the year at different times so they are easily accessible to coders everywhere. Each Kick Start Round is open to all participants, no pre-qualification is needed, so you can try your hand at one or give them all a shot. In addition to our online rounds, Google is hosting several Coding Practice with Kick Start sessions throughout the competition season.

Find out more here: Google KickStart

Google KickStart Practice Session #1


1- Sample Problem
2- Centauri Prime
3- H-index
4- Hex
5- Milk tea

Google KickStart Round A


1- Speed Typing
2- Challenge Nine
3- Palindrome Free Strings
4- Interesting Integers