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Kubermatic machine-controller

Table of Contents


What works

  • Creation of worker nodes on AWS, Digitalocean, Openstack, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Nutanix, VMWare Cloud Director, VMWare Vsphere, Linode, Hetzner cloud and Kubevirt (experimental)
  • Using Ubuntu, Flatcar or CentOS 7 distributions (not all distributions work on all providers)

Supported Kubernetes versions

machine-controller tries to follow the Kubernetes version support policy as close as possible.

Currently supported K8S versions are:

  • 1.24
  • 1.23
  • 1.22

What does not work

  • Master creation (Not planned at the moment)


Deploy the machine-controller

make deploy

Creating a machineDeployment

# edit examples/$cloudprovider-machinedeployment.yaml & create the machineDeployment
kubectl create -f examples/$cloudprovider-machinedeployment.yaml

Advanced usage

Specifying the apiserver endpoint

By default the controller looks for a cluster-info ConfigMap within the kube-public Namespace. If one is found which contains a minimal kubeconfig (kubeadm cluster have them by default), this kubeconfig will be used for the node bootstrapping. The kubeconfig only needs to contain two things:

  • CA-Data
  • The public endpoint for the Apiserver

If no ConfigMap can be found:


The CA will be loaded from the passed kubeconfig when running outside the cluster or from /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt when running inside the cluster.

Apiserver endpoint

The first endpoint from the kubernetes endpoints will be taken. kubectl get endpoints kubernetes -o yaml

Example cluster-info ConfigMap

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: cluster-info
  namespace: kube-public
  kubeconfig: |
    apiVersion: v1
    - cluster:
        server: https://hfvt4dkgb.europe-west3-c.dev.kubermatic.io:30002
      name: ""
    contexts: []
    current-context: ""
    kind: Config
    preferences: {}
    users: []




Simply run make test-unit

End-to-End locally



If you encounter issues file an issue or talk to us on the #kubermatic channel on the Kubermatic Slack.


Thanks for taking the time to join our community and start contributing!

Before you start

Pull requests

  • We welcome pull requests. Feel free to dig through the issues and jump in.


See the list of releases to find out about feature changes.