
Basic but pure DES implementation in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Basic but pure DES implementation in Python I have written it for fun because nothing else.

How it works ?

Everything is made within a class called "des". This class can be instanciated once and used to cipher and decipher multiple datas. It also support padding using the PKCS5 specification. (So the data is padding even if it is multiple of 8 to be sure that the last byte il be padding data). The generation of all the keys used is made in the method generatekeys and substitute apply the SBOX permutation. The main method is run which is called by both encrypt and decrypt but in a different mode. This method do basically all the stuff, it loop throught all the blocks and for each do the 16th rounds.

Be careful: This module implement DES in ECB mode, so you can't make it weaker. I didn't made it to be strong but for fun.

How to use it ?

pydes [KEY] [Data]

Example: pydes secret_k Hello wo

Note: In this exemple padding is specified. You can remove padding

To use padding:

from pydes import des
d = des()
ciphered = d.encrypt(key,text,padding=False) #Or just remove the argument padding 
plain = d.decrypt(key,ciphered,padding=False)
print "Ciphered: %r" % ciphered
print "Deciphered: ", plain