Project task runner.

The goal of the system is to create and run tasks with queue and job batches

Project screenshot

Project screenshot

Installing / Getting started

Used Technologies

Tailwind CSS 

Server Requirements

  • PHP >= 7.4
  • MYSQL >= 5.7.36
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension


Clone the repository

git clone

Switch to the repo folder

cd run-tasks-with-queue

Install all the dependencies using composer

composer install

Copy the example env file and make the required configuration changes in the .env file

cp .env.example .env

Generate a new application key

php artisan key:generate

Run the database migrations (Set the database connection in .env before migrating)

php artisan migrate

Run the database Sedders

php artisan db:seed

Run the storage File Links

php artisan storage:link

Start the local development server

php artisan serve

Run queue

php artisan queue:work

Use email : And password : 123456 to login

Project structure

  • app/Models - Contains all the Eloquent models
  • app/Contacts - Contains all Interfaces
  • app/Services - Contains all Service that count the words , lines and characters
  • app/Job/FileCounter - The Job which run to calculate the count of running tasks.
  • app/Http/Controllers/Admin - Contains all the admin controllers
  • resources/js - Contains all vue js components
  • resources/views/app.blade.php - The main blade which contain all vue js rendered components
  • database/migrations - Contains all the database migrations
  • database/seeds - Contains the database seeder
  • routes - Contains all the routes defined in web.php file

Environment variables

you can sleep job per seconds to detect progress by change the variable value with seconds. the default value is 0