
Reallancing is a web portal that bridges the gap between clients and freelancers, where clients can post their needed jobs and freelancers can view these job postings and apply for them using proposals.

Primary LanguageVue

Table of Contents

About Reallancing

Reallancing is a web portal that bridges the gap between clients and freelancers, where clients can post their needed jobs and freelancers can view these job postings and apply for them using appropriate proposals. Clients can view these proposals and choose the suitable applicant and communicate with them using an appropriate method. Freelancers build their own profiles with their skills, define their preferred hourly rate and their desired working hours range. A client posts their job indicating the project’s scope and length. The client also indicates the desired number of freelancers needed and decides whether the project has a fixed price or pays by a fixed hourly rate.

Build with

Getting Started

This is an list of needed instructions to set up your project locally, to get a local copy up and running follow these instructuins.

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Mobile Screenshots




Desktop Screenshots

Screenshot (213)

Screenshot (214)

Screenshot (215)

Screenshot (218)

Screenshot (219)

Screenshot (220)

Screenshot (225)

Screenshot (228)

Screenshot (232)

Screenshot (233)

Screenshot (234)

Screenshot (235)

Screenshot (236)

Screenshot (237)

File Structure

├── README.md
├── package.json
├── vue.config.js
├── babel.config.js
├── .gitignore
├── src
│   ├── assets
|   |   ├── PNG
|   |   
|   |
│   ├── components
|   |   ├── base
|   |       ├── Card	
|   |       ├── Item	
|   |       ├── ItemGroup	
|   |       ├── ItemSubGroup	
|   |       ├── MatrialAlert	
|   |       ├── MaterialCard	
|   |       ├── MaterialChartCard	
|   |       ├── MaterialSnackBar	
|   |       ├── MaterialStatsCard	
|   |       └── MaterialTabs	
|   |   ├── job	
|   |       └── jobcard	
|   |   ├── main	
|   |       └── NavigationBar	
|   |   ├── proposal	
|   |       └── ProposalCard	
|   |   ├── Loading	
|   |   
│   ├── plugins
|   |   ├── base
|   |   ├── chartist
|   |   └── vuetify
│   ├── router
|   |   └── index.js
|   |
│   ├── store
|   |   └── index
|   |
│   ├── utilities
|   |   ├── auth
|   |   ├── constants
|   |   ├── firebase
|   |   └── user
|   |
│   ├── views
|   |   ├── Client
|   |       └── CreateJob
|   |   ├── Freelancer
|   |       ├── ApplyJob
|   |       ├── Feed
|   |       ├── MyProposals
|   |       └── ViewJob
|   |   ├── Profiles
|   |      └── ViewProfile
|   |   ├── Proposals
|   |       ├── AllProposals
|   |       └── ViewProposal
|   |   ├── Main
|   |       ├── Home
|   |       ├── Index
|   |       ├── Login
|   |       └── Register
|   |   
│   └── App.vue
│   └── main.js
|   | 
└── public
    ├── favicon.png
    └── index.html	


Thanks goes to these wonderful people in the frontend team.

Ahmed Mostafa
Ahmed Mostafa
Seif Eldin ElSaeed
Seif Eldin ElSaeed
Naiera Magdy
Naiera Magdy