
Project Details:

A simple iOS application that displays all the characters from the Rick and Morty adult animated sitcom in a TableView. This project showcases clean code with MVVM design pattern using Combine for data binding and a fully programmatic UI in UIKit.


Following is a list of highlights in the code base:

  • MVVM Design Pattern
  • Clean Code Architecture
  • Unit Tests for Networking Layer
  • Combine
  • UI Kit
  • Programmtic UI
  • Dark Mode
  • Dynamic Type (Font)
  • Caching
  • Pagination


Light Mode:

Dark Mode:


  1. Download project with git clone.
  2. Use the RickAndMortyApp.xcodeproj to build and run the source code.

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Languages and Tools:

  • Swift
  • Xcode

📫 How to reach me:

ahmeramughal@gmail.com or +92-333-4861133