
N-Layer Architecture Car Rental project with NetCore.

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ReCap Project


Car Rental project with N-Layer Architecture.

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About The Project

Built With

C-Sharp Asp-net MSSQL Entity-Framework Autofac Fluent-Validation


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Public Operations

  • Get all cars
    • Searching Cars By Brand, Color
    • Caching
  • Get a single car
    • Caching

Private Operations

  • Add a New Car
    • Authorized users only
    • Field validation
  • Edit a Car
    • Authorized users only
    • Field Validation
  • Delete a Car
    • Authorized users only

Car Images

Public Operations

  • Get a car image
    • Caching
  • Get all
    • Searching Car Image By Car
    • Caching

Private Operations

  • Add (Upload) a New Car Image
    • Authorized users only
    • Save on Disk
  • Edit a Car Image
    • Authorized users only
    • Edit on Disk
  • Delete a Car Image
    • Authorized users only
    • Delete on Disk


Public Operations

  • Get all brands
  • Get a brand

Private Operations

  • Add a Brand
    • Authorized users only
  • Edit a Brand
    • Authorized users only
  • Delete a Brand
    • Authorized users only


Public Operations

  • Get All Colors
  • Get Single Color

Private Operations

  • Add a Color
    • Authorized users only
  • Edit a Color
    • Authorized users only
  • Delete a Color
    • Authorized users only


Public Operations

  • Add a Customer

Private Operations

  • Get All Customers
    • Authorized users only
  • Get Single Customer
    • Authorized users only
  • Edit a Customer
    • Authorized users only
  • Delete a Customer
    • Authorized users only


Public Operations

  • Get All Rentals
    • Searching Rental By Car
    • Logged users only
  • Get Single Rental
    • Logged users only
  • Add a Rental
    • Logged users only
  • Check Car is Rentable
  • Check Findeks Score Sufficiency

Private Operations

  • Edit a Rental
    • Authorized users only
  • Delete a Rental
    • Authorized users only


Public Operations

  • Get User Detail By Mail
  • Add a User
  • Update User Details
    • Logged users only

Private Operations

  • Get a User
    • Searching user by mail
    • Authorized users only
  • Get all Users
    • Authorized users only
  • Edit a User
    • Authorized users only
  • Delete a User
    • Authorized users only


Requests are authenticated using the Authorization header and value Bearer {{token}}. with a valid JWT.

  • Authentication Strategy : JWT
    • JWT Expiration : 10 Minutes For Testing Api
  • Registration
    • User can register as a "Admin" or simply "User"
    • Password Salt
    • Password Hash
    • Token includes : "id", "email", "name" and "roles"
  • Login
    • User can login with "email" and "password"
    • Everytime a user login, new Token are sent to to client

Public Operations

  • Login
    • Logged users only
    • Create Access Token
  • Register new user
    • Create Access Token
  • Check User Exists
  • Check user is authenticated
    • Logged users only

Private Operations

  • Encryption
  • Hashing
  • JWT

Operation Claim

Public Operations

  • Get a Operation Claim
    • Searching Operation Claim by name
  • Get all Operation Claim

Private Operations

  • Add a Operation Claim
    • Authorized users only
  • Edit a Operation Claim
    • Authorized users only
  • Delete a Operation Claim
    • Authorized users only

User Operation Claim

Public Operations

  • Add 'User' Claim

Private Operations

  • Get a User Operation Claim
    • Authorized users only
  • Get all User Operation Claim
    • Authorized users only
  • Add a User Operation Claim
    • Authorized users only
  • Edit a User Operation Claim
    • Authorized users only
  • Delete a User Operation Claim
    • Authorized users only

Credit Card (Test)

Public Operations

  • Get a Credit Card
    • Logged users only
  • Get all Users
    • Logged users only
    • Searching Credit Card by Customer
  • Add a Credit Card
    • Logged users only
  • Delete User Details
    • Logged users only

Payment (Test)

Public Operations

  • Payment (Fake)

Findeks (Test)

Public Operations

  • Searching Findeks by Customer
    • Logged users only
  • Add a Findeks
    • Logged users only
  • Update a Findeks
    • Logged users only
  • Calculate Findeks Score (Fake)

Private Operations

  • Get a Findeks
    • Authorized users only
  • Get all
    • Authorized users only
  • Update findeks
    • Authorized users only
  • Delete findeks
    • Authorized users only


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Business Layer created to process or control the incoming information according to the required conditions.


Core layer containing various particles independent of the project.


Data Access Layer created to perform database CRUD operations.


Entities Layer created for database tables.


Web API Layer that opens the business layer to the internet.


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Name Data Type Allow Nulls Default
Id int False
Name nvarchar(25) False

Car Images

Name Data Type Allow Nulls Default
Id int False
CarId int False
ImagePath nvarchar(MAX) False
Date datetime False


Name Data Type Allow Nulls Default
Id int False
Name nvarchar(50) False
BrandId int False
ColorId int False
DailyPrice decimal(18,0) False
ModelYear smallint False
Description nvarchar(50) True
MinFindeksScore smallint False ((0))


Name Data Type Allow Nulls Default
Id int False
Name nvarchar(25) False

Credit Card (Test)

Name Data Type Allow Nulls Default
Id int False
CustomerId int False
NameSurname nvarchar(100) False
CardNumber nvarchar(25) False
ExpMonth tinyint False
ExpYear tinyint False
Cvc nvarchar(3) False
CardType nvarchar(20) False


Name Data Type Allow Nulls Default
Id int False
UserId int False
CompanyName nvarchar(50) True

Findeks (Test)

Name Data Type Allow Nulls Default
Id int False
CustomerId int False
NationalIdentity nvarchar(50) False
Score smallint False ((0))


Name Data Type Allow Nulls Default
Id int False
Name varchar(250) False


Name Data Type Allow Nulls Default
Id int False
CarId int False
CustomerId int False
RentStartDate datetime False
RentEndDate datetime False
ReturnDate datetime True


Name Data Type Allow Nulls Default
Id int False
UserId int False
OperationClaimId int False


Name Data Type Allow Nulls Default
Id int False
FirstName nvarchar(50) False
LastName nvarchar(50) False
Email nvarchar(50) False
PasswordHash varbinary(500) False
PasswordSalt varbinary(500) False
Status bit False


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Ahmet ÇETİNKAYA - ahmetcetinkaya.info

Project Link: https://github.com/ahmet-cetinkaya/ReCapProject
