
CSV Speech data analyser

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This repo includes case solution codes for Speech Analysing task written by Ahmet Üzgör

Political Speeches Evaluation

The Political Speeches Evaluation is a Nest.js application that calculates statistics from given input data about political speeches. It handles CSV files, structured with Speaker, Topic, Date, and Words columns, and provides an HTTP endpoint for evaluating the data and answering specific questions.


  • Download and process CSV files containing political speeches data.
  • Answer the following questions based on the input data:
    1. Which politician gave the most speeches in a specific year?
    2. Which politician gave the most speeches on a particular topic?
    3. Which politician used the fewest words in total?
  • Return the calculated statistics as JSON.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/ahmet-uzgor/Speech-analyser.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd Speech-analyser
  3. Install the dependencies:

    npm install


  1. Start the application:

    npm run start

for development purposes

npm run start:dev
  1. The application will be running at http://localhost:3000.

  2. Use the following endpoint to evaluate the speeches:

    GET /evaluation?url=url1&url=url2
    • Replace url1, url2, etc. with the URLs of the CSV files you want to evaluate.
    • You can pass multiple URLs as query parameters to evaluate multiple files.
  3. The endpoint will return a JSON object containing the calculated statistics like below example:

      "mostSpeeches2013": "Alexander Abel",
      "mostSpeechesInternalSecurity": "Bernhard Belling",
      "fewestWords": "Caesare Collins"

Additional Information

  • The application assumes that the CSV files are UTF-8 encoded.
  • The CSV files should have the following structure: Speaker, Topic, Date, Words.
  • The application utilizes the Nest.js framework for building the API endpoint and handling HTTP requests.
  • The CSV files are downloaded using the HttpService provided by Nest.js and are parsed using the papaparse library.
  • The application provides unit tests for the controller and service functions using the Jest testing framework.
  • The tests can be executed using the npm run test command.

Functions in EvaluationService

The EvaluationService class contains the following functions:

getPoliticianWithMostSpeechesInYear(speeches: Speech[], year: number): string | null

This function takes an array of speeches and a year as input and returns the name of the politician who gave the most speeches in the specified year. If no speeches are available or if there is a tie between multiple politicians, it returns null.

getPoliticianWithMostSpeechesOnTopic(speeches: Speech[], topic: string): string | null

This function takes an array of speeches and a topic as input and returns the name of the politician who gave the most speeches on the specified topic. If no speeches are available or if there is a tie between multiple politicians, it returns null.

getPoliticianWithFewestWords(speeches: Speech[]): string | null

This function takes an array of speeches as input and returns the name of the politician who used the fewest words in total. If no speeches are available or if there is a tie between multiple politicians, it returns null.

downloadAndParseCSVs(urls: string[]): Promise<Speech[]>

This function takes an array of urls as input, downloads the CSV files from the provided URLs, and parses them into an array of Speech objects. It returns a promise that resolves to the array of parsed speeches. If no URLs are provided or if there are errors in downloading the files, it returns an empty array.