- 0
#275 opened by ceritliorg - 1
off the board
#272 opened by Djo-droid - 3
#267 opened by Baris000-eng - 2
normalize() function in TurkishTextNormalizer
#266 opened by Baris000-eng - 4
High memory usage question
#236 opened by ilkerhk - 2
98% cpu usage due to recursion
#263 opened by hippalus - 1
Noun Phrase Extraction
#262 opened by okanvk - 0
- 1
Cümleyi öğelerine ayırma
#260 opened by hasnhasan - 1
- 3
Disambiguation Model
#253 opened by gizem-gg - 2
graph.json as a pull request
#248 opened - 2
- 6
- 3
Build Failure
#226 opened by esersahin - 7
gRPC Server başlatma hatası
#221 opened by spolat-dev - 0
Fiilden fiil yapma eklerinin tespiti
#247 opened by adilyildiz - 5
sayı ayracı problemi
#246 opened by alihaydargol - 2
ngram normalizasyonu
#245 opened by cbalkig - 5
NER Hatası
#244 opened by Miracle00 - 0
Kelime veritabanı
#243 opened by adilyildiz - 2
could you please share ner model ?
#241 opened by pasa13142 - 2
SentenceBoundryDetection'da bütün bir txt okumak
#231 opened by alihannka - 6
TurkishSentenceNormalizer combineNecessaryWords() java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
#237 opened by kaansonmezoz - 1
- 6
- 2
Python - StartGrpcServer Normalization Path Error
#232 opened by brcsnt - 5
Rendezvous Hatası
#229 opened by brcsnt - 1
Normalization error in some verbs
#228 opened by grkmdmr - 16
#230 opened by BeyzaSuna - 10
"yemeden" word is analyzed as unknown
#225 opened by adilyildiz - 5
Show modifications made by TurkishSentenceNormalizer
#220 opened by mrmutator - 1
Zemberek with R
#219 opened by ArwaElsadig17 - 1
Issues with logging class
#222 opened by mrmutator - 0
- 3
Synonoym/eş anlamlı gruplama
#217 opened by cyurtoz - 8
ner test resources
#213 opened by ugrozkr - 2
- 1
compilation error: final variable
#214 opened by flower-gardener - 7
Add new word life-cycle and use external dictionary
#212 opened by ugrozkr - 11
Compile time error
#211 opened by ugrozkr - 2
.Proto uzantılı kaynakların çözümlenememesi
#210 opened by ugrozkr - 0
Cannot analyze time (clock) tokens with suffixes.
#209 opened by ahmetaa - 0
- 9
- 0
Cannot analyze some special tokens with apostrophes
#207 opened by ahmetaa - 0
- 3
weblogin deploy sorunu
#204 opened by musaay - 6
- 2
Cannot find reference item id
#202 opened by ozturkberkay