
Recovon a doctor appointment website with create react and rails api

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Project Name

Recovon App

  • The backend of an app aimed at helping patients where ever they are in the world
  • They can book an apointment with a doctor.
  • There are different doctors to chose from so your health is always assured by one of them
  • API created with ruby on rails.
  • You can create your apointment and see them in the my appointment page
  • Follow the link below to get to the front end of this app.

ERD Diagram


test screenshot

kanband Board

Total Number of Members 03

shot of kanbanboard

link to front end


link to front-end pull request

Front-end pull request

Front-end screenshot

Desktop Mobile

Behance Design

Designed that was followed


View Deployment

Built With

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Jwt
  • Psql

Getting Started


  • Ruby (ruby --v 2.7.5)
  • Postgrestsql (psql --version)
  • Node.js (node --v)
  • Yarn (yarn --v)

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

Run in your terminal git clone https://github.com/tufoinnkuo10/Transaction_App

Install RSpec

To run the tests locally :

  • To instal RSpec for testing please run the following command on your terminal:

gem install rspec

run rails rspec spec/models

Helpful links to solve some issues

Run the application

-connect to your psql

  • run rails s in your terminal


👤 Ali Abbani

👤 Ahmet Bozacı

👤 Tufoin Nkuo

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.


  • A special thanks to Microverse for inspiring this project. We are indebted to you all at Microverse
  • A special thanks goes Learning partners, Standup and morning session team.
  • Thanks to Murat Korkmaz. for the Project Design from Behance