
Appointment System

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm run start


Back-end: NodeJS
Front-end: VueJS
Database: MongoDB - NoSQL

-Component Structure


Google Map API:
Go application/views/app.ejs's footer.
Write your key instead of API_KEY.

Google Map Distance Matrix API:
NOTE: (If you do not restrict your key, you can same API key in two place.)
Go assets/src/components/pages/home/home.vue
Write your key instead of calculateDistanceDuration method's this.url function's API_KEY.

Mongo DB Connection:
Go .env file.
Paste your MongoDB Connection URL instead of MONGO_CONNECTION_URL.


You must create an account to create an appointment and view your appointments.
After creating account, you can create an appointment.
Name, Surname, Email, Phone number, Date, Destination position(from google map).
Starter position is static(Bakırköy/Istanbul).
After creating appointment, you can view your appointment.
You can view your all appointments in '/appointment' page and you can click ID number of appointment to obtain wide information about appointment.(Departure time, Return time, distance(km), duration(h))