INSDR Pong Game

We are going to develop the classic Atari game “Pong”.


  • 2 sides will play the game
  • Every side will have a vertical saver (stick or whatever :) width of 12px height 85px
  • There will be a 15px x 15px square ball which has a constant speed to a direction.
  • When ball hit saver or Top of the screen or bottom of the screen the ball will be reflected like a mirror. For ex if ball hits with 30’ it will leave with 150’ (+ - 10').
  • If ball reaches left or right side the ball disappears and opponent gets point.
  • The ball creates in center and goes to a random direction between (30’ 150’)
  • Make a scoreboard.
  • 5 point wins.
  • Save the game into local storage and resume on another page.
  • Use W up S down for left player up arrow and down arrow for right player
  • Game ends when there is no ball.

Extra Challenges

  • Make a cpu player
  • Make 2 cpu player play each other
  • When pressed space add 1 more ball. (can be played by multiple balls at the same time)
  • Make chrome extension.
  • Give ball trail effect.
  • Save the game when pressed p and on page we can contuniue from where we saved after we paste your code in console

Please take the following into consideration: