AI-Based Question Answering System for Blind People

The aim of this project is to maximize the interaction of visually impaired individuals with their environment and to minimize the negative effects of visual deprivation.

In the application, text classification was performed using BERT and image classification was performed using YOLOv4. In addition, questions are received via audio and then translated into text. By extracting meaning from the text, the focal objects in the question were transferred to the image processing model. The system can give correct answers to object, number and color based questions.

  • To download nltk tools run:
python3 nlp/

See downloads on home directory with name nltk_data.


  • file:

The data directory contains the different categories of questions obtained in the intermediate steps, combined with test and training, and exported to different json files. All jsons are merged in a json file and a csv file is created from this json file. Finally, the test data is added to the csv file.

  • file:

Performs the train operation of the bert model and saves the resulting model.

System Requirements

Download PyAudio for speech recognition (on Ubuntu).

sudo apt-get install portaudio19-dev python3-pyaudio

Then install requirements with:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Use flask run command to start service (in front directory).

flask run