Semantic Versioning For Maven Projects

This project uses Semantic Release and it's plugin for Gitlab integration. If you use Github you can simply delete the plugins variable in version.js.

What does it do?

If you checkout the docs on Semantic Release which you can find here . It is a fully automated version management and package publishing tool. It integrates with your Gitlab, reads all the commit messages you have made and determines the next semantic version number, generates a changelog and publishes the release. It uses plugins to integrate with any package management system.

I made a script that takes the next semantic version number and adds it to your version in pom.xml file.

To use this you can just simply pull this repository in your Gitlab CI or Github CI yaml file.

git pull
npm install --prefix Semantic-Versioning-Maven
npm start --prefix Semantic-Versioning-Maven
rm -rf Semantic-Versioning-Maven