
A TinyMCE Field for Laravel Nova 4

Primary LanguageVue

Nova4 TinyMCE Editor

I'm proud to present a simple wrapper that allows you to use the excellent TinyMCE Editor within Laravel Nova 4. Dark mode support!



This package follows the following versioning scheme:

  • v.0.x - TinyMCE version 5 (deprecated)
  • v.1.x - TinyMCE version 6


How to install

Please note that this how-to is for TinyMCE 6. For TinyMCE 5, please see the v.0. branch.

In the root of your Laravel installation launch:

composer require murdercode/nova4-tinymce-editor

Then publish the config:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Murdercode\TinymceEditor\FieldServiceProvider"

A file in config/nova_tinymce_editor.php will appear as follows (you can change the default values):


return [
        'init' => [
            'menubar' => false,
            'autoresize_bottom_margin' => 40,
            'branding' => false,
            'image_caption' => true,
            'paste_as_text' => true,
            'autosave_interval' => '20s',
            'autosave_retention' => '30m',
            'browser_spellcheck' => true,
            'contextmenu' => false,
        'plugins' => [
        'toolbar' => [
            'undo redo restoredraft | h2 h3 h4 |
                 bold italic underline strikethrough blockquote removeformat |
                 align bullist numlist outdent indent | link anchor table | code fullscreen',
        'apiKey' => env('TINYMCE_API_KEY', ''),

In your .env file please add the key:


Please make sure that you have added domain in your tiny.cloud account list.

Register the Field

In your Nova/Resource.php add the field as following:


use Murdercode\TinymceEditor\TinymceEditor;

class Article extends Resource
    public function fields(NovaRequest $request)
        return [
            TinymceEditor::make(__('Content'), 'content')
                ->rules(['required', 'min:20'])
                ->help(__('The content of the article.')),

Upgrade from 0.x to 1.x

In composer.json change the version of the package to

"murdercode/nova4-tinymce-editor": "^1.0"

and run composer update.

Also, you must change the format of the plugin snippet in nova-tinymce-editor as follows:


'plugins' => [
            'anchor advlist autolink autoresize autosave code fullscreen link lists image imagetools media
            paste wordcount',


'plugins' => [
            // etc...

Feedback and Support

Test, PR (also of this doc) are welcome.