
A Python-Based Elliptic Solver in Axisymmetry

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

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Author: Jonah Miller (jonah.maxwell.miller@gmail.com)

A Pseudospectral Elliptic Solver for Axisymmetric Problems Implemented in Python


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Pseudospectral Derivatives

Pyballd uses Chebyshev pseudospectral derivatives to attain very high accuracy with fairly low resolution. For example, if we numerically take second-order derivatives of this function:

analytic function

and vary the number of points (or alternatively the maximum order of polynomial used for differentiation), we find that our error decays exponentially with the number of points. This is called "spectral" or "evanescent" convergence:

evanescent convergence


The appropriate domain for an axisymmetric problem is

axisymmetric domain base

where rh is some minimum radius. Infinite domains are difficult to handle. Therefore, we define

definition of x for most boundaries

for most boundary situations or (following the work of [1])

definition of x

when rh is a black hole event horizon. Then, following Boyd [2], we then define

definition of X

for some characteristic length scale L so that X is defined on the domain [-1,1]. We perform our differentiation on X, which has no effect on the original PDE system except the introduction of Jacobian terms of the form

jacobian terms

in a few places. Since one may want to assume additional (or different!) symmetry in the longitudinal direction, we do not impose any restriction there.

Jacobian for the Compactified Domain

When x is defined as

definition of x for most boundaries

the Jacobian for the coordinate transformation looks like

Jacobian for the coordinate transformation

As we shall see, this spectral method can efficiently represent both exponential and algebraic decay with spectral accuracy.

Convergence on the Compactified Domain

The convergence of the scheme depends senitively on the characteristic length scale L. Generically it will be spectral but subgeometric, meaning it's not quite as fast as in the non-compact case.

Functions that Decay Rationally

Consider this function

test function on compact domain

which has this derivative

derivative of test function on compact domain

On the compact domain (on the equator), this function becomes

test function on equator

with derivative

derivative of test function on equator

We achieve best convergence for this function with L=1:

errors on compactified domain

Functions that decay exponentially

On the other hand, consider this function:

test function on compact domain

which has this derivative

derivative of test function on compact domain

On the compact domain (on the equator), this function becomes

test function on equator

with derivative

derivative of test function on equator

We achieve best convergence for this function with


as shown here:

errors on compactified domain

Solving an Elliptic PDE

In Pyballd, an elliptic system is defined via a residual. A residual


acts on a state vector u and its first and second derivatives in (in our case, axisymmetry) r and θ. If

residual vanishes

then u(r,θ) is a solution to the PDE system.

An elliptic PDE is not well-posed without the addition of boundary conditions, which select for the particular solution. At infinity (X=1), we automatically demand that the solution must vanish. (In other words, we demand that all solutions are square-integrable.)

Dirichlet, Neumann, or Robin boundary conditions can be imposed on the inner radius (r_h), the position of minimum θ (often the axis of symmetry), and the position of maximum θ (often the axis of symmetry or the equator).

In the case of black-hole like compactifications, where

definition of x

we automatically impose Von-Neumann boundary conditions at the inner boundary such that

neumann regularity condition

which is a regularity condition we need to impose on solutions in these coordinates.

Pyballd's API

Pyballd simply requires that the user pass in functions that vanish when the residual and boundary conditions are satisfied. Along with information about the domain, such as the value of rh, this is sufficient information to construct a solution.

An Example: Poisson's Equation

Poisson's equation is

poissons equation generic,

or, in spherical coordinates it is

poisson in spherical coordinates.

If we assume axisymmetry so that the azimuthal derivatives vanish and multiply both sides of the equation by the appropriate factors, we attain

poisson in axisymmetry.

For simplicity, we further restrict ourselves to the source-free case and attain

lapplace eqn in axisymmetry.

We would like to solve this problem using pyballd.

We begin by importing pyballd and numpy.

import pyballd
import numpy as np

pyballd expects a residual, which defines the PDE system. The PDE is satisfied when the residual vanishes. We define ours as

def residual(r,theta,u,d):
    u = u[0]
    out = (2*np.sin(theta)*r*d(u,1,0)
           + r*r*np.sin(theta)*d(u,2,0)
           + np.cos(theta)*d(u,0,1)
           + np.sin(theta)*d(u,0,2))
    out = out.reshape(tuple([1]) + out.shape)
    return out

Here d is a derivative operator. So d(u,2,0) corresponds to two derivatives with respect to r of u, while d(u,0,2) corresponds to two derivatives with respect to θ.

The weird array reshaping is an artifact of the fact that pyballd is designed for vector and tensor equations, not just scalar equations. Therefore, scalars must be treated as vectors of length 1.

pyballd allso expects a boundary condition for the inner boundary. We choose a Dirichlet boundary condition and define it as:

k = 4
a = 2
def bdry_X_inner(theta,u,d):
	u = u[0]
	out = u - a*np.cos(k*theta)
	out = out.reshape(tuple([1]) + out.shape)
	return out

This works a lot like residual defined above. However, it will only be evaluated at the inner boundary. The boundary condition is satisfied when bdry_X_inner vanishes.

Nonlinear elliptic systems are not necessarily unique. (And even linear ones may be difficult to uniquely solve numerically.) Therefore, we must feed the solver with an initial guess for the solution. We define ours as

def initial_guess(r,theta):
	out = 1./r
	out = out.reshape(tuple([1]) + out.shape)
	return out

which is a simple square integrable function. It's not a solution that matches the boundary conditions. However, it should be sufficiently close to the true solution to allow for convergence.

Finally, we ask pyballd to generate a solution by calling pyballd.pde_solve_once. Because it's a spectral method, you don't need many nodes! For example:

SOLN,s = pyballd.pde_solve_once(residual,
                                r_h = 1.0,
                                order_X = 24,
                                order_theta = 6
                                theta_max = np.pi/2,
                                bdry_X_inner = bdry_X_inner,
                                initial_guess = initial_guess)

pyballd.pde_solve_once returns the solution on the product grid of colocation points and a discretization object s, which can differentiate a function defined on the colocation points, or interpolate it to a uniform grid. For example:

r = np.linspace(r_h,4,200)
theta = np.linspace(0,np.pi/2,200)
R,THETA = np.meshgrid(r,theta,indexing='ij')
interpolator = s.get_interpolator_of_r(SOLN)
soln_interp = interpolator(R,THETA)
x,z = R*np.sin(THETA), R*np.cos(THETA)

will produce a beautiful plot of the solution interpolated to a finer grid, such as this one:

solution to the Poisson equation

Both pde_solve_once and discretization objects, called PyballdStencils in the code, have a large number of options and defaults. For a full description of of these, see the help strings associated with them.


[1] Herderio, Radu, Runarrson. "Kerr black holes with Proca hair." Classical and Quantum Gravity 33-15 (2016).

[2] Boyd, John P. "Orthogonal rational functions on a semi-infinite interval." Journal of Computational Physics 70.1 (1987): 63-88.