
Django app companion for interactive processing of NMR spectra

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Django-nmrpro App

The App provides a web interface to the python package, effectively compressing and reformatting NMR spectra into JSON formats. The App also stores users' spectra in a database along with their processing history. Also, the App collects all plugins from the python package and transfers them to the client-side, where they are rendered as GUI.


  1. Install python 2.7 and pip package manager.

  2. From the terminal console, install NMRPro python package using the command:

    pip install nmrpro

On Windows, from the command prompt:

python -m pip install nmrpro
  1. Install the django-nmrpro App using the command:

    pip install django-nmrpro

On Windows:

python -m pip install django-nmrpro
  1. pip command automatically installs all necessary package dependencies.
  2. There is no need to install SpecdrawJS separately since it is included in the Django App.

Runnig NMRPro server

Once the Django App is installed, the user can integrate it into an existing Django project. To summarize the integration process, briefly:

  1. If you do not have an existing Django project, first create one by following this tutorial.

  2. In settings.py, add django_nmpro to your INSTALLED_APPS.

  3. In urls.py, add the following pattern url(r'^', include('django_nmrpro.urls')),.

  4. From the terminal console (command prompt on Windows), navigate to the project home directory and run the web server using the command:

    python manage.py migrate
  5. Run the server using the command:

    python manage.py runserver
  6. To make sure that installation is successful, visit the URL, which should display 5 spectra from the Coffees dataset.