
🐇 Application boilerplate based on Vue.js 2.x, Koa 2.x, Element-UI and Nuxt.js

Primary LanguageVueOtherNOASSERTION

Logo Application boilerplate based on Vue.js 2.x, Koa 2.x, Element-UI and Nuxt.js

CircleCI Windows Vulnerabilities JavaScript Style Guide ESLint Issues Stars License


$ git clone git@github.com:clarkdo/hare.git
$ cd hare
# install dependencies
$ yarn



# serve with hot reloading at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev

Go to http://localhost:3000


# configure ESLint as a tool to keep codes clean
$ yarn lint
# use ava as testing framework, mixed with jsdom
$ yarn test


# build for production and launch the server
$ yarn build
$ yarn start


# generate a static project
$ yarn generate


# build and launch the bundle analyze
$ yarn analyze

Use PM

Further more features refer: PM2

# install pm2 globally
$ yarn global add pm2
# launch development server
$ yarn dev:pm2
# launch production server
$ yarn start:pm2
# Display all processes status
$ pm2 ls
# Show all information about app
$ pm2 show hare
# Display memory and cpu usage of each app
$ pm2 monit
# Display logs
$ pm2 logs
# Stop
$ pm2 stop hare
# Kill and delete
$ pm2 delete hare

Docker Dev

# build image
$ docker build -t hare-dev -f Dockerfile.dev ./
$ docker run -d -p 8888:3000 -e HOST= hare-dev

Go to http://localhost:8888

Docker Production

# build bundle
$ export NODE_ENV=''
$ yarn
$ yarn build
# install production dependencies (remove devDependencies)
$ yarn --prod
# build image
$ docker build -t hare-prod -f Dockerfile ./
$ docker run -d -p 8889:3000 -e HOST= hare-prod

Go to http://localhost:8889


Vue.js documentation: https://vuejs.org/

Nuxt.js documentation: https://nuxtjs.org

Element-UI documentation: http://element.eleme.io

Koa documentation: https://github.com/koajs/koa