
Random sokoban level generator

Primary LanguageC++


This is a random sokoban level generator. It doesn't have any external dependencies. You'll need a c++11 compiler, such as gcc or clang, to compile it.

Level layout

Each level consists of a fixed "prize" room, a corridor of holes, where the boulders are to be moved by the player, and a group of connected rooms containing boulders, and the player's starting position. The number of rooms and their positioning can be tweaked via command line.

############################   # - wall
######....##################   . - floor
######..00##################   @ - player's starting position
######..0.########...#######   0 - boulder
######..0.^^^^^^^+...#######   ^ - hole
#######0##########...#######   + - door to the prize room


Initially, boulders are placed at their destinations, and the algorithm pulls them in random directions to simulate the game in reverse. Backtracking is used when the algorithm gets stuck.

After a set number of positions is analyzed, the algorithm returns the most distant solution from the initial configuration, counting the number of moves. For the lack of a good evaluating function, we assume the number of moves it took to reach a position is correlated with its difficulty. Note: solving a position almost always takes much fewer moves than the algorithm took to generate it.

The program runs many iterations and prints the solution of the greatest assumed difficulty after it's finished.


To compile and run, simply enter:

  Sokoban generator [OPTION...]

  -h, --help            Display help
  -t, --iterations arg  Number of iterations (default: 1000)
  -x, --width arg       Width of level (default: 28)
  -y, --height arg      Height of level (default: 16)
  -r, --rooms arg       Number of rooms in the puzzle (default: 3)
  -d, --doors arg       Number of rooms that are attached via door (default: 1)
  -b, --boulders arg    Number of boulders
  -p, --positions arg   Number of positions analyzed in each search (default: 500)