instaclone web

  1. setup
  • install libraries
    • styled-components
    • react hook form
    • react router dom
    • apollo client
    • react helmet
    • react-fontawesome
  • Router
  • Authentication
  • Architecture
  • Styles
  • Styled-components + TypeScript
  1. auth(login/signup)
  • login page
  • extending styled-components
  • targeting html tag in styled-components
  • css : pseudo-classes(:last-child), pseudo-elements(::placeholder), box-sizing, all:unset
  • add web fonts in index.html
  • refactoring :last-child to new component
  • add several colors to the theme
  • use the tag in react-router-dom not use the tag. because the anchor tag triggers refresh so all the states and react application go away.
  • utilize components
  • prop-types
  • signup page
  • develop form in React way
  • react helmet: should be inside
  • react-hook-form
    • register, watch, handleSubmit(onSubmitValid, onSubmitInvalid), errors
    • validation : required, validate() : async, pattern.....
    • mode 유효성 검사를 언제 진행하는지
      • onSubmit: Submit 버튼을 클릭할 때
      • onChange: 실시간으로 사용자가 인풋에 무언가를 입력할 때마다
      • onBlur: 인풋에 무언가를 입력한 뒤 외부를 클릭했을 때(인풋의 포커스 상태가 해제된 순간)
      • onTouched: 인풋을 클릭하는 순간부터