
Angular SDK for ImageKit.io client side file upload and URL generation

Primary LanguageTypeScript

ImageKit.io Angular SDK

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Angular SDK for ImageKit.io, which implements client-side upload and URL generation for use inside an angular application.

ImageKit is a complete image optimization and transformation solution that comes with an image CDN and media storage. It can be integrated with your existing infrastructure - storages like AWS S3, web servers, your CDN, and custom domain names, allowing you to deliver optimized images in minutes with minimal code changes.


npm install --save imagekitio-angular

Use the components in your code:

<ik-image src={{src}}></ik-image>


The library includes 2 Components:

Module Import

In order to use the SDK, you need to provide it with a few configuration parameters. The configuration parameters must be passed to the ImagekitioAngularModule module in your app.module.ts file. example:

  declarations: [
  imports: [
      publicKey: environment.publicKey,
      urlEndpoint: environment.urlEndpoint,
      authenticationEndpoint: environment.authenticationEndpoint
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]

publicKey and urlEndpoint are mandatory parameters for SDK initialization. authenticationEndpoint is essential if you want to use the SDK for client-side uploads. transformationPosition is optional. The default value for the parameter is path. Acceptable values are path & query

Note: Do not include your Private Key in any client-side code, including this SDK or its initialization. If you pass the privateKey parameter while initializing this SDK, it throws an error


The ik-image component defines an ImageKit Image tag. example usage:

Using image path and image hostname or endpoint

<ik-image path="/default-image.jpg" transformation={[{
  "height": "300",
  "width": "400"

Using full image URL

    "height": "300",
    "width": "400"

src is the complete URL that is already mapped to ImageKit. path is the location of the image in the ImageKit cloud. urlEndpoint + path makes the complete url. transformations is optional. The transformations to be applied to a given image. It is declared in the form of an array of objects, where each object specifies the transformation you need. The values are mentioned below.

List of supported transformations

The complete list of transformations supported and their usage in ImageKit can be found here. The SDK gives a name to each transformation parameter, making the code simpler and readable. If a transformation is supported in ImageKit, but a name for it cannot be found in the table below, then use the transformation code from ImageKit docs as the name when using in the url function.

Supported Transformation Name Translates to parameter
height h
width w
aspectRatio ar
quality q
crop c
cropMode cm
x x
y y
focus fo
format f
radius r
background bg
border bo
rotation rt
blur bl
named n
overlayImage oi
overlayX ox
overlayY oy
overlayFocus ofo
overlayHeight oh
overlayWidth ow
overlayText ot
overlayTextFontSize ots
overlayTextFontFamily otf
overlayTextColor otc
overlayAlpha oa
overlayTextTypography ott
overlayBackground obg
overlayImageTrim oit
progressive pr
lossless lo
trim t
metadata md
colorProfile cp
defaultImage di
dpr dpr
effectSharpen e-sharpen
effectUSM e-usm
effectContrast e-contrast
effectGray e-grayscale
original orig

Applying Transforms

const transformations = [{
  width: 90,
  height: 180

<ik-image style="" src="<full_image_url_from_db>" transformations = {transformations}></ik-image>

The above image will apply transformation of width = 90 and height = 180 on the image. Since some transformatinos are destructive you might want to control the order in which the transforms are applied.

Chained Transforms

Chained transformations provide a simple way to control the sequence in which transformations are applied.

const transformations = [
    rotate: 90
    width: 100,
    aspectRatio: "16-9"

In the above case, the rotation will be performed first, and resizing according to width and aspect ratio will be performed afterward.

Low Quality Image Placeholders (LQIP) for images

The SDK supports automatic support for LQIP for your images, if you set lqip to true in the image component. example:

<ik-image style="" src="<full_image_url_from_db>" lqip={{active:true, quality: 20}}></ik-image>

active tells the status for lqip, it can be either, true or false quality decided the quaility of placeholder image. It can be any numeric value, a low number means low quality, and high number means high quality.

How does the lqip work?

The component tries to keep it simple. It loads a lower quality image using the quality parameter to load a lower quality image, which is then replaced with the actual quality image later.

File Upload


The SDK provides a simple Component to upload files to the ImageKit Media Library. It has an attribute called fileName which is used by SDK for fileName parameter required to upload. The file parameter is provided as an input from the user.

Also, make sure that you have specified authenticationEndpoint during SDK initialization. The SDK makes an HTTP GET request to this endpoint and expects a JSON response with three fields, i.e. signature, token, and expire.

Learn how to implement authenticationEndpoint on your server.

An example of this server is provided in the sample-server folder of the SDK.

Sample Usage

// Simple upload
<ik-upload fileName="my-upload" /></ik-upload>

// Using callbacks and other parameters of upload API
<ik-upload fileName="test_new" [useUniqueFileName]="false" [isPrivateFile]="true"
    (onSuccess)="handleUploadSuccess($event)" (onError)="handleUploadError($event)"></ik-upload>

ik-upload component accepts all the parameters supported by the ImageKit Upload API as attributes e.g. tags, useUniqueFileName, folder, isPrivateFile, customCoordinates etc.

Sample application

The samples folder contains a fully working sample angular application for angular versions 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Every application has a README.md file with full instructions on how to run it locally.


For any feedback or to report any issues or general implementation support, please reach out to support@imagekit.io



Released under the MIT license.