Gmail Processor is an open-source project that automates the processing of Gmail messages and attachments using Google Apps Script and execute actions (e.g. store attachments in a GDrive folder, log information in a spreadsheet) depending on matching criteria.
- bilalYUK
- chozaCanada
- chritohnide
- coderofsalvation2wa.isvery.ninja @sqz:matrix.org
- dave-rParts Unknown
- emirn
- filipkowiczManufaktura Kodu & @agilentia
- gargolitoFlorida
- gonzotek
- gregorynicholasalter union
- imkheong
- jd4u
- jmaynierKpler
- jonnyshaw89@JassoftLtd @MarketReaction
- josephdegarr@josephdegarr
- kvoldenARM
- LinuxEvangelistPeru
- mazen-git
- mike-park@Shopify
- neddySydney, Australia
- njm2112Brooklyn, New York
- phdelodder
- phlbnks
- raveslave
- rodrisan
- rogerc
- rxng
- safecancel
- sivartravisCambridge, MA
- theedoms
- theemstraXSbyte
- wafahomeWafa Home
- wiicode
- WinstonFassettDallas, TX
- yokilicTürkiye