
Apache application-level firewall and intrusion detection system

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

			      Application Level Firewall 
			      Intrusion Detection System

	mod_fortress is an HTTP application firewall and intrusion detection
 system, it relies on analysing requests sent from the client to the
 webserver, and logs specific malicious requests with extensive info about
 the attacker as well as the attacked server(if multiple virtual
 servers). It also has the ability to act as a non-transparent proxy,
 thus, protecting/obscuring your server via sending false return HTTP
 error codes. 


  * Detects and Logs common known cgi/http security requests and scans

  * SSL support
  * Detects all known(and hopefully unknown) Anti-IDS Evasive Scaning methods
   (Whisker, twwwscan, VoidEye...etc)

  * "Fortress In the Middle": Ability to act as a non-transparent proxy
    to modify HTTP return error codes.
  * Custom logging option via a changeable format string.

  * Supports Apache 1.3/2.0 

  comment/uncomment he following directive in mod_fortress.h is you want to enable/disable them:
   1- SHOW_VERSION_COMPONENT	      displays the module name in the "Server:" header
   2- RUN_FORTRESS_IN_THE_MIDDLE	enables the non-transparent proxy
   3- RUN_LOGGER			enables the IDS logger


    just type 'make'


The following options are used with "FortressLogString" directive in httpd.conf

	Request Based Flags:
	%Rr	whole request line
	%Ru	uri
	%Rd	request description
	%Rq	query args
	%Rp	protocol
	%Rm	request method

	Connection Based Flags:
	%Ci	remote ip
	%Ch	remote hostname
	%Cl	local ip

	Server Based Flags:
	%Sn	server name
	%Sh	server hostname (local hostname)
	%Sp	server port
	%Sv	virtual host
	%Sa	server admin
	Time Based Flags:
	%Ts	second
	%Tm	minute
	%Th	hour
	%Td	day
	%TM	month
	%Ty	year

	Header-in Based Flags:
	%H[header in name]	
	eg: %H[User-Agent], %H[Accept], %H[Host]

	Misc characters:
	& 	new line


	Appended to each signature line is a tag like [xxx], this stands for 
 the fake HTTP error code to return. If fortress in the middle was enabled, the 
 number between the [] is returned as an HTTP error code (eg: 404, 403, 200), [0]
 returns whatever Apache would return if there was no non-transparent proxy.


	mod_fortress is released under the terms of the GNU General Public
        License, check the file COPYING for more details.