
Config files for *nix and Sway tiling wm, branches for different distros/computers

Primary LanguageLua


desktop screenshot

Install and Usage

Only 2 packages are needed to get started, Git to clone these configs, and GNU stow to symlink files to the appropriate place on the local machine

  1. Install git & stow, if not already installed
$ dnf install git stow
  1. Fork this repo and Clone the configs into $HOME/.dotfiles
$ git clone git@github.com:{{GitHub Username Here}}/.dotfiles $HOME/.dotfiles && cd $HOME/.dotfiles
  1. The Configs in this repo are broken up by catagory. Pick and choose which configs you want by directory (see stow -h)
$ stow configs shell scripts # e.g. will symlink all config files in ./configs, ./shell, & ./scripts 

or use the ./stowAll.sh shell script in the repo root (see ./stowAll.sh -h)

$ chmod +x ./stowAll.sh && ./stowAll.sh

Note: stow will not replace a file that is already present, but it will complain to stdout. Remeber to back up those files incase you'd don't like these configs, then you can use stow/stowAll.sh again.

$ mv ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc.bak && ./stowAll.sh
  1. A script to help install packages, with accompanying text files, is in the $HOME/Scripts directory
$ chmod +x ./install_pkgs && ./install_pkgs --path fedora_all.txt


  1. sway
  2. swaylock
  3. swayidle
  4. sworkstyle
  5. waybar
  6. mako
  7. wev
  8. wofi

Useful Utilities

  1. playerctl
  2. pulseaudio (pactl)
  3. pavucontrol
  4. light (or brightnessctl)
  5. grim
  6. slurp


  1. foot
  2. kitty
  3. Ranger
  4. zsh
  5. oh-my-zsh
  6. neovim
  7. firefox-wayland
  8. qutebrowser

Applets (tray)

  1. blueman-applet
  2. gammastep-indicator
  3. nm-applet (Network Manager)


Fedora specific

  1. qt5-qtwebengine-freeworld to play DRM (netflix etc.) on qutebrowser
    • This is a finicky process, I usually just install chromium-freeworld. It may not work immeadiately. Not sure why.

Arch specific

  1. chromium-widevine → will install dependencies to play DRM on arch

Other Tips

  1. add the following to /etc/environment to use java applications like PyCharm
if [ "$XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP" = "sway" ] ; then