Table Creator

Your task is to produce CREATE TABLE SQL commands from classes containing JPA annotations.

Supported Annotations

  • @Entity - specifies that the class represents entity (table)
    • name - (optional) table name
  • @Id - specifies field as a PRIMARY KEY
  • @GeneratedValue - specifies that the field values should autoincrement (append AUTO_INCREMENT at the end of the column definition)
  • @Column - provides additional column information
    • name - (optional) column name
    • length - (optional) column length (use for VARCHAR types)
    • nullable - (optional) specifies if the field can be null
  • @Transient - field is ignored
  • @Enumerated - field is an enum
    • value - (optional) specifies how to encode an enum (int or String)

Supported Java Types

  • long maps to BIGINT
  • String maps to VARCHAR
  • int maps to INTEGER
  • EnumType.STRING to VARCHAR(25)

How to submit

Call me when the tests pass.

GL & HF :)