cpuAgent credit exam

Your task is to implement 2 applications:

  • Dashboard server that aggregates the CPU metrics
  • Agent that is installed on monitored computers which collects CPU usage and sends the data to the Dashboard server

Dashboard Server

Server is waiting for commands to be posted to STDIN. Available commands:

  • show – displays the current data. The display format is the following:

    Address | CPU usage (%) | Critical
    ---------------------------------- | 25.56 | No

    Critical threshold is 80%.

  • show-critical - shows only critical entries

  • show-history {addr} {n} - shows last {n} entries for server with address {addr} in the following format:

    {timestamp} : {value} 


Program that collects CPU usage by parsing the output of the top -bn1 1 command and then sends it back to the Dashboard server. The data collection takes place every 5 second.