Validator - Advanced Java Assignment

Your task is to implement a class called Validator which will have two public static methods:

  • boolean isValid(Object o) – determines if the argument o is valid according to the rules described below
  • void validate(Object o) – if the argument o is not valid, then throws ValidationException, otherwise does nothing

## Validation Classes are validated according to the annotations present on the fields. Example:

class C {
	Object field1;

Each annotation has a special meaning which represents specific constraint. These annotations will need to be created by you. Annotations to create:

  • @AssertFalse – the field must be a boolean with a value of false

  • @AssertTrue – the field must be a boolean with a value of true

  • @Future – the field must be a LocalDateTime and the value must specify time in future

  • @Ignored – the field will not be validated. This annotation supersedes the importance of other annotations

  • @NotBlank – the field must be a String with non-whitespace character

  • @NotNull – the field value cannot be null

  • @Null – the fiel value must be null

  • @Pattern – the field must be a String which adheres to the regex specified in regex attribute


    • regex – (String) regex to which the value must adhere
  • @Size – specifies the size of the value. Can be applied to multiple types which changes semantics a little. Allowed types:

    • String – length is evaluated
    • Collection – collection size is evaluated
    • Map – map size is evaluated
    • Array – array length is evaluated


    • min – (int) specifies the minimum allowed value (included)
    • max – (int) specifies the maximum allowed value (included)

Note: Every annotation will have one additional attribute message (String, "" by default) which will be used in the validate method which will pass the value to ValidationException.


Once the implementation is complete, please write a bunch of unit tests to prove that your solution is working. You don't need to use testing framework (e.g. JUnit), you can just use one test class with main method which will call the "tests".