
Week 1 Rails Project

Primary LanguageRuby


Ruby on Rails Independent Project, 06/30/2017

By Anna Horodetska


Online store is a web app that allows to add, edit, delete products. Users can add and delete reviews.

Core Functionality

  • product
  • Site admins should be able to add, update and delete new products.
  • Users should be able to click an individual product to see its detail page.
  • Users should be able to add a review to a product.
  • Scope
  • The product with the most reviews.
  • The three most recently added products.
  • All products made in the USA for buyers that want to buy local products.
  • Validation
  • All fields should be filled out, including rating.
  • Rating can only be an integer between 1 and 5.
  • The review's content_body must be between 50 and 250 characters.
  • Seeding
  • project should include seed data for 50 products and 250 reviews. Use Faker with a loop to seed the database.


  • Ruby Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • Clone https://github.com/ahorod/online-store
  • Go to online-store derictory
  • Run bundle install
  • Open new tab in the terminal run:
  • postgres
  • Run rails db:create , rails db:migrate db:test:prepare, rails db:seed
  • To launch the application run rails s
  • Open app at http://localhost:3000.

Technologies Used





Ruby on Rails

Postgres SQL


Copyright (c) 2017 Anna Horodetska The website is licensed under the MIT license.