
Node.js tool for managing breaks and lunch times. Integrated with Slack.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Currently incompatible with @slack/client 4.x

Migration to v4.x ongoing


"forever" keeps the process running forever (like systemd with services):

npm install forever -g


  • in conf/, rename _config.js to config.js
  • in config.js, fill in the following settings:
    • slackAPIKey - create a new bot user in slack and get the key here: https://TeamName.slack.com/apps/new/A0F7YS25R-bots
      • note: you'll need to define which channels to operate in when creating the bot user
    • channels - slack channels to monitor for normal commands
    • channelDesignation - department-channel pairing. use the channels options to fill these


once the configs are set, run this to start breakbot in the background:

forever -a -l forever.log -o logs/general.log -e logs/error.log start index.js

or, if you don't need it to run in the background:

node index.js


stdout goes to logs/general.log

stderr goes to logs/error.log



you can also just poke me (TheGreekBrit) directly