
Discord DND bot

Primary LanguagePython

The oracle is a discord bot for DND


  1. Register a new application and bot through the discord developer portal

  2. Invite the bot to your server via Oauth2

  3. Clone the repository

  4. Create a .env file with the following contents

    # .env
    DISCORD_TOKEN=<discord access token>
    DISCORD_GUILD=<server name>
  5. (Optional) Create and launch a python virutal environment


    python3 -m venv <virtual-environment-name>
    source <virtual-environment-name>/bin/activate


    python3 -m venv <virtual-environment-name>
    set .\<virtual-environment-name>\Scripts\activate.bat
  6. Install dependencies pip3 install -r requirements.txt

  7. Run the bot python3 bot.py


Roll a D20
Generate a swear/insult
Summon a monster
Generate an encounter
Choose someone from the party at random
Show a description for an entity
?describe <entity>
Ask the 8 ball a question
?8ball List the avaiable encounters and monsters