Convpot is a converter program written in C++ which converts raw data from potentiostats into a sqlite database ready to be plotted by Convpot is automatically called by, but can also be called on its own for example to merge files.
- Arbin Instruments BT2000
- Gamry Interface 1000
- Biologic VMP3
- Ivium CompactStat
- Zahner IM6
Follow these instructions (for Windows):
- Download the latest convpot installer from GitHub.
- Run the installer
and choose the option to add Convpot to the PATH variable for the current user (non-admin install) or system-wide (admin install). - Navigate to the Convpot menu entry and click on
Run Convpot
. - A Cmd window opens. You can now run one of the examples:
convpot arbintest.res
If all goes well you should now have the file arbintest.sqlite
For compiling from source see the wiki pages.
To process a single input file
convpot arbintest.res
The output is the corresponding SQLite database containing the raw data. You can use the --output option to give a different filename.
To process multiple files
convpot arbintest.res gamrytest.DTA
Alternatively, the files to merge can be given in a text file listed one by line. Lines starting with the "!" character are ignored.
convpot --merge files_to_merge.txt
- --help or -h - show convpot help
- --version or -V - show the version header
- --verbose or -v - print verbose output, can be given multiple times to increase verbosity
- --info or -i - display supported instruments
- --timer - benchmark the program run time, useful for very large files
- --output FILE - give alternative output filename. The default is the name of the first input file
- --merge FILE - a file with filenames to merge one by line. A "!" denotes a comment.
- --smooth LEVEL - smooth current and voltage data. Useful for dQ/dV plots which show artefacts due to noise.
- Alexander Pohl - Initial work
See also the list of CONTRIBUTORS who participated in this project.
All notable changes and releases are documented in the CHANGELOG.
This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details